The description of controls at DST is as of September 30, 2010 and the information about tests
of the operating effectiveness of specific controls covers the period from October 1, 2009 to
September 30, 2010. Any projection of such information to the future is subject to the risk that,
because of change, the description may no longer portray the controls in existence. The
potential effectiveness of specific controls at DST is subject to inherent limitations and
accordingly, errors or fraud may occur and not be detected. Furthermore, the projection of any
conclusions, based on our findings, to future periods is subject to the risk that changes made to
the system or controls or the failure to make needed changes to the system or controls, may alter
the validity of such conclusions.
The information included in Chapter V describing DST‟s business continuity plan and
management's responses to identified exceptions is presented by DST to provide additional
information and is not part of DST‟s description of controls that may be relevant to clients‟
internal control as it relates to an audit of financial statements. Such information has not been
subjected to the procedures applied in the examination of the description of controls, related to
transaction processing and accordingly, we express no opinion on it.
This report is intended solely for use by the management of DST, its clients and the independent
auditors of its clients.
November 15, 2010