several DRN pins available, it is recommended that pin 14
be used because of its proximity to the BST pin.
Drain Pin: The DRN pin is also called the switch node.
It is the connection between the source of the top FET and
the drain of the bottom FET. This node is connected to one
terminal of the output filter inductor. When the top FET is
conducting, the DRN pin is essentially connected to the 12
volt source. When the bottom FET is conducting, this node
is essentially connected to ground. When the driver is
disabled, this node is in a high impedance state, and is
essentially connected to neither.
Top Gate Pin: The TG pin is the internal connection of
the output of the high−side driver and also the gate of the
top FET. There is normally no connection to this pin. It can
however, be used to drive an external FET which will
operate in parallel with the top FET.
This pin may also be attached to the pcb for additional
heat sinking or used to monitor the top gate waveform.
Bottom Gate Pin: The BG pin is the internal connection
of the output of the lower driver and bottom FET gate.
There is normally no connection to this pin, although it may
be used for paralleling an additional FET, monitoring or
heat sinking, similar to the TG pin.
Power Ground: The PGND pin is the power ground for
the device. The source of the bottom FET is also connected
to this pin. This pin is not internally connected to the GND
pin and care should be taken when laying out the circuit to
maintain proper isolation between these grounds.
Signal Ground: The GND pin is the ground pin for the
driver, and is internally isolated from the PGND pin.
Layout Considerations
While the design of the NIS3001 reduces many of the
parasitic elements when compared to a discrete solution,
careful consideration to layout must still be observed. The
following suggestions are offered:
a) Mount the bootstrap capacitor very close to the
package. Use DRN pin 14 and BST pin 17 due to
their proximity. The capacitor should be a high
quality ceramic type.
b) Mount the VS pin bypass capacitor as close as
possible to the package. This should be a high
quality ceramic capacitor and is mounted
between pins 4 and 2.
c) VIN requires a combination of bypass capacitors.
These consist of both low ESR aluminum
electrolytics and high quality ceramics. The
ceramics should be SMT devices and mounted as
close to the VIN and PGND pins as possible. The
aluminum capacitors are generally located
slightly farther away, but should be connected via
power and ground planes to maintain the lowest
possible impedance. The total amount of
capacitance required is dependant on the system
d) Keep as much copper area as possible on all
layers in the proximity of the device for best
thermal performance. Especially, keep large
copper areas connected to the large pads on the
chip, and use thermal vias to transmit the heat to
the bottom side of the board when possible.
e) All vias underneath the chip, whether thermal or
not should be plugged with epoxy or some
material other than solder. The amount of solder
paste used for mounting is important to a good
connection. Empty vias can siphon off solder
during the mounting process and leave voids,
while soldered vias may contribute solder and
cause shorts below the chip.
f) Power and ground (PGND) busses should be
distributed through power and ground planes.
These should feed through vias to the appropriate
pads for the 12 volts, switch node and ground
connections. The impedances of the high current
paths are critical for optimum efficiency.
5V +
12 V
Figure 15.