16-Channel CMOS
Analog Multiplexer
Logic Diagram
• RAD-PAK® technology radiation-hardened against natural
space radiation
• Total dose hardness:
- > 50 Krad (Si), depending upon space mission
• Excellent Single Event Effects:
- SELTH: > 110 MeV/mg/cm2
- SEUTH: > 110 MeV/mg/cm2
• Package: 28-pin RAD-PAK® flat pack
• Guaranteed on-resistance matching between channels:
< 5Ω max
• Low on-resistance < 100Ω max
• Guaranteed flat on-resistance over specified signal range:
7Ω max
• Guaranteed Charge Injection: < 10 pC
• INO(OFF) Leakage < 2.5 nA at +85°C
• ICOM(OFF) Leakage < 20 nA at +85°C
• ESD Protection > 2000V
• Single-supply operation (+4.5V to +30V)
• Bipolar-supply operation (±4.5V to ±20V)
• Low power consumption, < 1.25 mW
• Rail-to-rail signal handling
• TTL/CMOS-logic compatible
Maxwell Technologies’ 306 high-performance, high-precision,
monolithic, CMOS analog multiplexer features a greater than
50 krad (Si) total dose tolerance, depending upon space mis-
sion. The patented radiation-hardened RAD-PAK® technology
incorporates radiation shielding in the microcircuit package.
Using Maxwell’s radiation hardened RAD-PAK packaging tech-
nology, this single-ended 1-of-16 device offers very low (less
than 100Ω) on-resistance which is matched to within 5Ω
between channels and remains flat over the specified analog
signal range. The 306 also offers low leakage over tempera-
ture and fast switching speeds. The 306 operates with a single
+4.5V to +30V supply, or bipolar ±4.5V to ± 20V supplies,
while retaining TTL/CMOS- logic input compatibility and fast
Maxwell Technologies' patented Rad-Pak packaging technol-
ogy incorporates radiation shielding in the microcircuit pack-
age. It eliminates the need for box shielding while providing
the required radiation shielding for a lifetime in orbit or a space
mission.In a GEO orbit, Rad-Pak provides greater than 50
krad (Si) total radiation dose tolerance, dependent upon space
mission. This product is available with packaging and screen-
ing up to Class S.
08.15.02 Rev 5
(858) 503-3300 - Fax: (858) 503-3301 - www.maxwell.com
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