High side current sense amplifier
■ Independent supply and input common-mode
■ Wide common-mode operating range:
2.8 to 30 V
■ Wide common-mode surviving range:
-0.3 to 60 V (load-dump)
■ Wide supply voltage range: 4 to 24 V
■ Low current consumption: ICC max = 300 µA
■ Internally fixed gain: 20 V/V, 50 V/V or 100 V/V
■ Buffered output
■ Automotive current monitoring
■ Notebook computers
■ DC motor controls
■ Photovoltaic systems
■ Battery chargers
■ Precision current sources
The TSC101 measures a small differential voltage
on a high-side shunt resistor and translates it into
a ground-referenced output voltage. The gain is
internally fixed.
Wide input common-mode voltage range, low
quiescent current, and tiny SOT23 packaging
enable use in a wide variety of applications.
(Plastic package)
Pin connections
(top view)
Out 1
Gnd 2
Vp 3
5 Vcc
4 Vm
The input common-mode and power supply
voltages are independent. The common-mode
voltage can range from 2.8 to 30 V in operating
conditions and up to 60 V in absolute maximum
rating conditions.
The current consumption below 300 µA and the
wide supply voltage range enable the power
supply to be connected to either side of the
current measurement shunt with minimal error.
March 2011
Doc ID 13313 Rev 3