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MC56F8355PB(2004) Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Freescale Semiconductor

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Freescale Semiconductor 
MC56F8355PB Datasheet PDF : 164 Pages
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Version History
Rev 0.0
Rev 1.0
Rev 2.0
Rev 3.0
Rev 4.0
Rev 5.0
Document Revision History
Description of Change
Initial release
Fixed typos in Section 1.1.3; Replace any reference to Flash Interface Unit with Flash
Memory Module; added note to Vcap pin in Table 2-2; corrected Table 4-4, removed
unneccessary notes in Table 10-12; corrected temperature range in Table 10-14; added
ADC calibration information to Table 10-23 and new graphs in Figure 10-21
Corrected 2.2µF to 0.1 µF low ESR capacitor in Table 2-2. Replaced Table 10-16 with
correct parameters for the 128 package pinout. Corrected (fout/2) with (fout) in Table 10-14.
Corrected pinout labels in Figure 11-1.
Adding/clarifing notes to Table 4-4 to help clarify independent program flash blocks and
other Program Flash modes, clarification to Table 10-22, corrected Digital Input Current Low
(pull-up enabled) numbers in Table 10-5. Removed text and Table 10-2; replaced with note
to Table 10-1.
Correcting Table 4-6 Address locations.
Added 56F8155 information; edited to indicate differences in 56F8355 and 56F8155. Refor-
matted for Freescale look and feel. Updated Temperature Sensor and ADC tables, then
updated balance of electrical tables for consistency throughout the family. Clarified I/O power
description in Table 2-2, added note to Table 10-7 and clarified Section 12.3.
Please see for the most current Data Sheet revision.
56F8355 Technical Data, Rev. 5.0
Freescale Semiconductor

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