Data Sheet
Triple high speed fully differential driver
225 MHz −3 dB large signal bandwidth
Easily drives 1.4 V p-p video signal into source-terminated
100 Ω UTP cable
1600 V/µs slew rate
Fixed internal gain of 2
Internal common-mode feedback network
Output balance error −60 dB @ 50 MHz
Differential input and output
Differential-to-differential or single-ended-to-differential
Adjustable output common-mode voltage
Output pull-down feature for line isolation
Low distortion: 64 dB SFDR @ 10 MHz on 5 V supply,
RL, dm = 200 Ω
Low offset: 4 mV typical output referred on 5 V supply
Low power: 26 mA @ 5 V for three drivers
Wide supply voltage range: +5 V to ±5 V
Available in space-saving packaging: 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP
KVM (keyboard-video-mouse) networking
UTP (unshielded twisted pair) driving
Differential signal multiplexing
The AD8133 is a major advancement beyond using discrete
op amps for driving differential RGB signals over twisted pair
cable. The AD8133 is a triple, low cost differential or single-
ended input to differential output driver, and each amplifier has
a fixed gain of 2 to compensate for the attenuation of line
termination resistors. The AD8133 is specifically designed for RGB
signals but can be used for any type of analog signals or high speed
data transmission. The AD8133 is capable of driving either
Category 5 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable or differential
printed circuit board transmission lines with minimal signal
The outputs of the AD8133 can be set to a low voltage state to
be used with series diodes for line isolation, allowing easy
differential multiplexing over the same twisted pair cable. The
AD8133 driver can be used in conjunction with the AD8129
and AD8130 differential receivers.
Triple Differential Driver
with Output Pull-Down
VS– 2
–IN A 3
+IN A 4
VS– 5
–OUT A 6
24 23 22 21 20 19
AD8133 18 VOCMC
17 VS+
16 –IN C
15 +IN C
14 VS–
13 –OUT C
7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 1.
∆VOUT, dm = 2V p-p
–10 ∆VOUT, cm/∆VOUT, dm
VS = ±5V
VS = +5V
Figure 2. Output Balance vs. Frequency
Manufactured on Analog Devices’ next generation XFCB
bipolar process, the AD8133 has a large signal bandwidth of
225 MHz and a slew rate of 1600 V/µs. The AD8133 has an
internal common-mode feedback feature that provides output
amplitude and phase matching that is balanced to −60 dB at
50 MHz, suppressing harmonics and minimizing radiated
electromagnetic interference (EMI).
The output common-mode level is easily adjustable by applying
a voltage to the VOCM input pin. The VOCM input can also be used
to transmit signals on the output common-mode voltages.
The AD8133 is available in a 24-lead LFCSP package and can
operate over the temperature range of −40°C to +85°C.
Rev. A
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