One LSB of the ADC corresponds to 0.0625°C in 13-bit mode.
The ADC can theoretically measure a temperature range of
255°C, but the ADT7410 is guaranteed to measure a low value
temperature limit of −55°C to a high value temperature limit
of +150°C. The temperature measurement result is stored in
the 16-bit temperature value register and is compared with the
high temperature limits stored in the TCRIT setpoint register and
the THIGH setpoint register. It is also compared with the low
temperature limit stored in the TLOW setpoint register.
Temperature data in the temperature value register, the TCRIT
setpoint register, the THIGH setpoint register, and the TLOW
setpoint register are represented by a 13-bit twos complement
word. The MSB is the temperature sign bit. The three LSBs, Bit 0
to Bit 2, on power-up, are not part of the temperature conver-
sion result and are flag bits for TCRIT, THIGH, and TLOW. Table 5
shows the 13-bit temperature data format without Bit 0 to Bit 2.
The number of bits in the temperature data-word can be extended
to 16 bits, twos complement, by setting Bit 7 to 1 in the confi-
guration register (Register Address 0x03). When using a 16-bit
temperature data value, Bit 0 to Bit 2 are not used as flag bits
and are, instead, the LSB bits of the temperature value. The
power-on default setting has a 13-bit temperature data value.
Reading back the temperature from the temperature value register
requires a 2-byte read. Designers that use a 9-bit temperature
data format can still use the ADT7410 by ignoring the last four
LSBs of the 13-bit temperature value. These four LSBs are Bit 6
to Bit 3 in Table 5.
Table 5. 13-Bit Temperature Data Format
Digital Output
Temperature (Binary) Bits[15:3]
Digital Output (Hex)
1 1100 1001 0000
1 1100 1110 0000
1 1110 0111 0000
1 1111 1111 1111
0 0000 0000 0000
0 0000 0000 0001
0 0001 1001 0000
0 0011 0010 0000
0 0111 1101 0000
0 1001 0110 0000
16-Bit Temperature Data Format
Positive Temperature = ADC Code (dec)/128
Negative Temperature = (ADC Code (dec) – 65,536)/128
where ADC Code uses all 16 bits of the data byte, including the
sign bit.
Negative Temperature = (ADC Code (dec) – 32,768)/128
where Bit 15 (sign bit) is removed from the ADC code.
13-Bit Temperature Data Format
Positive Temperature = ADC Code (dec)/16
Negative Temperature = (ADC Code (dec) − 8192)/16
where ADC Code uses the first 13 MSBs of the data byte,
including the sign bit.
Negative Temperature = (ADC Code (dec) – 4096)/16
where Bit 15 (sign bit) is removed from the ADC code.
10-Bit Temperature Data Format
Positive Temperature = ADC Code (dec)/2
Negative Temperature = (ADC Code (dec) − 1024)/2
where ADC Code uses all 10 bits of the data byte, including the
sign bit.
Negative Temperature = (ADC Code (dec) − 512)/2
where Bit 9 (sign bit) is removed from the ADC code.
9-Bit Temperature Data Format
Positive Temperature = ADC Code (dec)
Negative Temperature = ADC Code (dec) − 512
where ADC Code uses all nine bits of the data byte, including
the sign bit.
Negative Temperature = ADC Code (dec) − 256
where Bit 8 (sign bit) is removed from the ADC code.
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