Synchronous PWM Controller
Function Description
Synchronous Buck Converter
Primary VCORE power is provided by a synchronous,
voltage-mode pulse width modulated (PWM)
controller. This section has all the features required
to build a high efficiency synchronous buck
converter, shutdown function.
The output voltage of the synchronous converter is
set and controlled by the output of the error
amplifier. The external resistive divider reference
voltage is derived from an internal trimmed
band-gap voltage reference. The inverting input of
the error amplifier receives its voltage from the
SENSE pin.
The internal oscillator uses an on-chip capacitor
and trimmed precision current sources to set the
oscillation frequency to 200KHz. The triangular
output of the oscillator sets the reference voltage at
the inverting input of the comparator. When the
oscillator output voltage drops below the error
amplifier output voltage, the comparator output
goes high. This pulls DRVL low, turning off the
low-side FET, and DRVH is pulled high, turning on
the high-side FET (once the cross-current control
allows it). When the oscillator voltage rises back
above the error amplifier output voltage, the
comparator output goes low. This pulls DRVH low,
turning off the high-side FET, and DRVL is pulled
high, turning on the low-side FET (once the
cross-current control allows it).
As SENSE increases, the output voltage of the
error amplifier decreases. This causes a reduction
in the on-time of the high-side MOSFET connected
to DRVH, hence lowering the output voltage.
Under Voltage Lockout
The under voltage lockout circuit of the AP2003
assures that the high-side MOSFET driver outputs
remain in the off state whenever the supply voltage
drops below set parameters. Lockout occurs if VCC
falls below 4.1V. Normal operation resumes once
VCC rises above 4.2V.
Soft Start
Initially, SS/ SHDN sources 10uA of current to
charge an external capacitor. The outputs of the
error amplifiers are clamped to a voltage
proportional to the voltage on SS/ SHDN . This
limits the on-time of the high-side MOSFETs, thus
leading to a controlled ramp-up of the output
Hiccup Mode
During power up, the SS/ SHDN pin is internally
pulled low until VCC reaches the under-voltage
lockout level of 4.2V. Once VCC has reached 4.2V,
the SS/ SHDN pin is released and begins to source
10uA of current to the external soft-start capacitor.
As the soft-start voltage rises, the output of the
internal error amplifier is clamped to this voltage.
When the error signal reaches the level of the
internal triangular oscillator, which swings from 1V
to 2V at a fixed frequency of 200KHz, switching
occurs. As the error signal crosses over the
oscillator signal, the duty cycle of the PWM signal
continues to increase until the output comes into
The soft-start voltage will begin to decrease as the
2uA of current discharge the external capacitor.
When the soft-start voltage reaches 0.8V, the
SS/ SHDN pin will begin to source 10uA and begin
to charge the external capacitor causing the
soft-start voltage to rise again. Again, when the
soft-start voltage reaches the level of the internal
oscillator, switching will occur.
In conclusion, above is shown a typical “12V
Application Circuit” which has a BSTH voltage
derived by bootstrapping input voltage to the
PHASE node through diode D2. This circuit is very
useful in cases where only single input power of
5V(or 12V) is available.
In order to prevent substrate glitching, a
small-signal diode should be placed in close
proximity to the chip with cathode connected to
PHASE and anode connected to GND.
Anachip Corp.
Rev. 0.1 Feb.10, 2004