Single-Ended reference mode
Figure 3 shows the diagram of single-ended refer-
ence mode.
This application shows the measurement of current
Y poisition is made by connecting the X+ input to the
A/D converter , turning on the Y+ and Y- drivers , and
digitizing the voltage on X+. For this measurement ,
the resistance in the X+ lead does not affect the
conversion. However , since the resistance between
Y+ and Y- is fairly low , the on-resistance of the Y
drivers does make a small difference. Under the situ-
ation outlined so far , it would not be possible to
achieve a zero volt input or a full-scale input regard-
less of where the pointing device is on the touch
screen because some voltage is lost across the in-
ternal switches. This situation can be remedied if
use differential reference mode
Y Switch ON
Figure 4. Differential Reference Mode
(SER/,.4 LOW , A2=Low , A1=Low , A0=High)
Y Switch ON
FIGURE 3. Single-Ended Reference Mode
(SER/,.4High , A2=Low , A1=Low , A0=High)
Differential reference mode
As shown in Figure 4 , by setting the SER/,.4 bit
LOW , the +REF and -REF inputs are connected di-
rectly to Y+ and Y-. This makes the analog-to-digital
conversion ratiometric.
The result of the conversiong is always a percentage
of the external resistance , reardless of how it changes
in relation to the on-resistance of the internal switches.
Note that there is an important consideration regard-
ing power dissipation when using the ratiometric mode
of operation , the external device should powered
throughout the acquisition and conversion periods.
Serial Interface
Data is written to , and read from , the APT7846 via
the serial port. The serial port has 4 pins - serial
clock (DCLK) , chip select ( CS) , data in (DIN) and
data out (DOUT). The DCLK acts on the rising edge.
TheCS acts as a reset for the serial port with +5 goes
low initiating a conversion cycle. The cycle consists
of 2 parts - a write followed by a read. Figure 5 shows
the typical timing of the APT7846s serial interface.
A total of 24 clock cycles will complete one
Also shown in Figure 5 is the placement and order of
the control bits within the control byte. Tables III and
IV give detailed information about these bits.
The first bit , the ′S′ bit , must always be HIGH and
indicates the start of the control byte. The APT7846
will ignore inputs on the DIN pin until the start bit S
The next three bits (A2 - A0) select the active input
channel or channels of the input multiplexer (see
Tables I and II and Figure 2).
The MODE bit determines the number of bits for each
conversion , either 12 bits (LOW) or 8 bits (HIGH).
The SER/,.4 bit controls the reference mode: either
single-ended (HIGH) or differential (LOW). (The dif-
ferential mode is also referred to as the ratiometric
conversion mode.)
The last two bits (PD1 - PD0) select the power- down
mode as shown in Table V. If both inputs are HIGH
, the device is always powered up. If both inputs are
LOW , the device enters a power-down mode be-
tween conversions.
Copyright ANPEC Electronics Corp.
Rev. A.6 - Dec., 2001