High Performance Automotive Sonar Intrusion – Data Sheet
Fig. 1 shows the pulse/echo timing generated by the AS8413. The basic concept behind the
AS8413 is the detection of changes in the relative position of objects in side the vehicle, by
monitoring successive echo patterns with a discriminator based on fuzzy-logic.
Despite the higher complexity of this approach, that demands both analog and digital signal
processing, the solution is made cost-effective with the use of a single IC and a small number of
external components
TX pulse
Echo in RX
Fig. 1 - Pulse/Echo Timing
Supply / Power-On Reset
The AS8413 requires a single 5-volt power supply. Pins for VDD and GND are separated for the
analog and digital circuits, and a 100-n-F ceramic decoupling capacitor is recommended for
each pair.
There is an internal power-on-reset circuit that initializes the IC after each power-up. The VDD
rise time must be less than 20 ms, to guarantee proper initialization. Optionally, the IC can also
be reinitialized with a rising-edge at the pin 17, if requested by the application.
Time Reference
A clock must be present at the OSCIN input. The frequency may be selected to be either 40 kHz
or 400 kHz, by setting the SEL40K input to ‘1’ or ‘0’ respectively. For the 40 kHz clock a duty-
cycle of approximately 50% is necessary.
The clock signal can be created in several possible ways:
• Generation by a microprocessor or other external circuit
• Built-in oscillator with an external 40-kHz crystal between OSCIN and OSCOUT. Depending
on the crystal, a load capacitor (about 22 pF) may be needed at OSCOUT.
• Built-in oscillator with an external 400-kHz ceramic resonator between OSCIN and OSCOUT.
Load capacitors of at least 100 pF are necessary at the pins, according to the resonator
specifications. The IC power consumption increases with higher capacitor values (Idd= 1.0
mA with 100 pF capacitors).
March 2001
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