B32671L ... B32672L
High V AC, high temperature (wound)
Technical data
Operating temperature range Max. operating temperature Top,max
+125 °C
Upper category temperature Tmax
+110 °C
Lower category temperature Tmin
55 °C
Rated temperature TR
+85 °C
Dissipation factor tan δ (in 10-3) at
≤27 nF 27 nF< CR ≤0.1 µF 0.1 µF < CR ≤1 µF >1 µF
at 20 °C
1 kHz 0.8 0.8
(upper limit values)
10 kHz 1.0 1.0
100 kHz 2.0 3.0
Insulation resistance Rins
> 100 GΩ (CR ≤ 0.33 µF)
at 20 °C, rel. humidity ≤ 65% < 30000 s (CR > 0.33 µF)
(minimum as-delivered values)
DC test voltage
1.6 VR, 2 s
Category voltage VC
TA (°C)
DC voltage derating
(continuous operation with VDC TA ≤ 85
or VAC at f ≤ 1 kHz)
85<TA≤110 VC = VR (165TA)/80
Operating voltage Vop for
TA (°C)
DC voltage (max. hours)
short operating periods
TA ≤ 100
Vop = 1.25 VC (2000 h)
(VDC or VAC at f ≤ 1 kHz)
100<TA≤125 Vop = 1.25 VC (1000 h)
Damp heat test
56 days/40 °C/93% relative humidity
AC voltage derating
VC,RMS=VRMS (165TA)/80
AC voltage (max. hours)
Vop = 1.0 VC,RMS (2000 h)
Vop = 1.0 VC,RMS (1000 h)
Limit values after damp
heat test
Capacitance change ∆C/C
Dissipation factor change ∆ tan δ
≤ 2%
≤ 1.0 10-3 (at 1 kHz)
Insulation resistance Rins
≥ 50 GΩ
Failure rate λ
Service life tSL
1 fit (≤ 1 10-9/h) at 0.5 VR, 40 °C
200 000 h at 1.0 VR, 85 °C
For conversion to other operating conditions and temperatures,
refer to chapter "Quality, 2 Reliability".
Failure criteria:
Total failure
Short circuit or open circuit
Failure due to variation
Capacitance change ∆C/C
> 10%
of parameters
Dissipation factor tan δ
> 4 upper limit values
Insulation resistance Rins
< 1500 MΩ
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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