Audio ICs
(b) For DET, after release of RESET, there is a dis-
charge time of 14mS (Max.)
The read enable period for Vo starts 0.5ms after the out-
put switch logic settles.
(6) Output switch circuit
This circuit uses time division switching to output the
peak hold signal from each DET.
Switching occurs when the control signal reaches 1.4V,
and when A, B, and C are all high, output is disabled
(GND level). Refer to the table below regarding the out-
put switching logic.
The recommended output load resistance is 10kΩ.
(5) Application example with reduced cycle time
The transition characteristics for the band-pass filter are
shown in the graph below. The time for at least 5 fo cycles
is required until the DET output peaks. Therefore, the
lower the frequency, the longer the time required and fo1
requires the longest time. Refer to the values given below
for applications that require a shorter cycle time.
When fo1 = 60Hz, the time requires for output u 60% is
tg u 45ms.