Low Power V.32 bis Modem
5. General Description
The CMX869 can operate as a full duplex QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) or DPSK (Differential
Phase Shift Keying) automodem, using the following modulation schemes:
• V.32bis
• V.32
• V.22bis
• V.22
with data rates of 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400 or 1200bps.
Note: reference to QAM elsewhere in the datasheet implies QAM or DPSK, according to selected
operating mode.
It can also be set to operate in the following low speed modem modes:
• V.21 or Bell 103. 300/300bps duplex FSK (Frequency Shift Keying).
• V.23 modem. 1200 or 75 bps FSK.
• Bell 202 modem. 1200 or 150 bps FSK.
The transmit circuits can also be set to any one of the following:
• DTMF transmit.
• Single tone transmit (from a range of modem calling, answer and other tone frequencies)
• User programmed tone or tone pair transmit (programmable frequencies and levels)
• Disabled.
And the receive circuits can be set to:
• DTMF detect.
• 2100Hz and 2225Hz answer tone detect.
• Call progress signal detect.
• User programmed tone or tone pair detect.
• Disabled.
The Ring Detect, Tone Decoder and FSK modem circuits can be configured to facilitate Type 1 (On-
Hook) Caller Identification. This facility is the subject of separate application notes.
When not in use, the CMX869 may be set into a Powersave mode, which disables all circuitry except for
the on-chip regulator, the C-BUS interface and the Ring Detector.
© 2003 CML Microsystems Plc