Normal dialing :
Set lock function to none lock mode (without resistor connected to COL1 pin) or set password equal to 000.
In this case, the dialer is operated in normal mode and all functions work at unlimitation.
Dialing via LOCK function
Conventional key lock mode. (Connects a resistor on COL1 pin to VDD)
• Off hook (or turn on HF function)
• Keying : d1 , d2 , .. , dn . If the first number (d1) is the same with the lock number that optioned in table,
then all entry numbers can not be dialed out and keyboard will be inhibited until on to off hook once again
or flash. If the first number is not equal to lock number, all the entry numbers will be dialed out.
Password control mode. (Connects a resistor on COL1 pin to VSS)
• Off hook (or turn on HF function)
• Keying : ([ # , ps1 , ps2 , ps3 ] + telephone number.) The numbers in the [ ] symbol could be omitted. The
number "#" will be inhibited when the current password is not equal to 000,and ps1 , ps2 , ps3 work at
the checking state, not to be dialed out. Other descriptions are as on following :
◊ Incorrect password entry. The telephone numbers can not be dialed out.
◊ Password is omitted . If the first digit of telephone numbers is the same with the lock number, all of the
telephone numbers can not be dialed out and keyboard will be inhibited until On to Off hook once again
or flash. If the first digit is not equal to the lock number then the telephone numbers will be dialed out
◊ Correct password entry. The telephone numbers can be dial out no matter what lock number is. If the first
digit is not equal to the lock number then the telephone numbers will be dialed out entirely and use the Flash
key to redial any other number will not check the pass word again.
Ring detector
The Ring detector is designed to prevent illegal dialing from pocket dialer. Following the procedures ( i,ii,iii ),
this dialer will detect DRING pin to control RMUTE output level. If DRING is detected a "Low" level, the
RMUTE stays "High impedance". If DRING is detected a "High" level, the RMUTE will output "Low" until
keyboard entry. In actual application of the RMUTE pin is recommended connection to microphone of the
phone handset to prevent that the dialing signal (DTMF) is coupling by the Microphone of the phone handset.
(such as pocket dialer)
i. In idle state, HKS is from "High" to "Low" (pick up handset action).
ii. In idle state, turn on handfree function.
iii. The flash operation ( F key ).
* This specification are subject to be changed without notice.
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