Surge arrester
3-electrode arrester
1) At delivery AQL 0.65 level II, DIN ISO 2859
2) In ionized mode
3) Test according to ITU-T Rec. K.12
4) Tip or ring electrode to center electrode
5) Total current through center electrode, half value through
tip respectively ring electrode.
Terms in accordance with ITU-T Rec. K.12 and DIN 57845/VDE0845
Arrester fail safe works at temperatures > 260 °C. The arrester has to be
fixed mechanically, if the arrester is contacted by soldering and if the solder
temperature is less than 260 °C.
Dimensional Drawing
Not to scale
Dimensions in mm
Non controlled document
Cautions and warnings
Surge arresters must not be operated directly in power supply networks.
Surge arresters may become hot in case of longer periods of current stress (danger of burning).
Surge arresters may be used only within their specified values. In case of overload, the head
contacts may fail or the component may be destroyed.
Damaged surge arresters must not be re-used.
Surge arrester with triggered short-circuit mechanism must not be re-used.
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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Issue 04 / 2007-09-06