Formatted for consistency with other 5.0 volt-only data
data sheets.
Revision B+1
AC Characteristics, Erase and Program Operations
Added Note references to tWHWH1. Corrected the pa-
rameter symbol for VCC Set-up Time to tVCS; the spec-
ification is 50 µs minimum. Deleted the last row in table.
Revision B+2
Distinctive Characteristics
Changed minimum 100K write/erase cycles guaran-
teed to 1,000,000.
Ordering Infomation
Added extended temperature availability to the -55 and
-70 speed options.
AC Characteristics
Erase/Program Operations; Erase and Program Oper-
ations Alternate CE# Controlled Writes: Corrected the
notes reference for tWHWH1 and tWHWH2. These param-
eters are 100% tested. Corrected the note reference for
tVCS. This parameter is not 100% tested.
Erase and Programming Performance
Changed minimum 100K program and erase cycles
guaranteed to 1,000,000.
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ExpressFlash is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.