HBT Series – Half-Brick DC/DC Converter
48V Input
60 Watt Triple Output
Data Sheet
Feature Descriptions
Output Over-voltage Clamp
The output overvoltage clamp consists of a
separate control loop, independent of the primary
control loop. This control loop has a higher
voltage set point than the primary loop. In a fault
condition which creates an excessive output
voltage, the converter goes into “Hiccup Mode”
(turns off and restarts periodically in a pre-
programmed fashion), and the output overvoltage
clamp ensures that the output voltage does not
exceed Vo, clamp, max. This secondary control
loop provides a redundant voltage control
mechanism that prevents catastrophic voltages
from occurring on the output under any single-
fault condition.
Output Current Protection
To provide protection in an output overload or
short circuit condition, the converter is equipped
with a current limiting circuit, which can protect
the converter from damage under a fault condition
indefinitely. At the current-limit inception point due
to an output overload, the converter goes into
“Hiccup Mode” and limits both the peak output
current and the duration of the operation. The
converter recovers automatically to its normal
operation once the output overload or short circuit
is removed.
Two enable options are available-Positive Logic
and Negative Logic. Positive Logic turns the
converter on when a logic-high is present at the
enable pin, and turns the converter off when a
logic-low is present at the enable pin. Negative
Logic turns the converter off when a logic-high is
present at the enable pin, and turns the converter
on when a logic-low is present at the enable pin.
Output Voltage Adjustment
Output voltage adjustment is accomplished by
connecting an external resistor between the Trim
Pin and the +Vo1 or –Vo1 Pins.
With an external resistor (Radj-down) between the
Trim Pin and +Vo1 Pin the output voltage set
point (Vo,adj) decreases. The following equation
determines the required external resistor value to
obtain an adjusted output voltage:
Note: Output Vo1 is the only trimable output.
Output Vo2 and Vo3 only follow how Vo1 is
Radj, dn
(Vo, adj − D)⋅
Vo, nom − Vo,
Where Radj-down is the trim-down resistance value
and A, B, and D are constants defined in Table
With an external resistor (Radj-up) between the
Trim Pin and –Vo1 Pin the output voltage set
point (Vo,adj) increases. The following equation
determines the required external resistor value to
obtain an adjusted output voltage:
Raj, up
adj − D)
Where Radj-up is the trim-up resistance value and
A, B, C, and D are constants defined in Table 10:
4990 25500 2.5
Table 10 Output Adjustment Variables.
REV. 10/01
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