HM5117400B Series
10. Assumes that tRCD tRCD (max) and tRCD + tCAC (max) tRAD + tAA (max).
11. Assumes that tRAD tRAD (max) and tRCD + tCAC (max) tRAD + tAA (max).
12. Either tRCH or tRRH must be satisfied for a read cycles.
13. tOFF (max) and tOEZ (max) define the time at which the outputs achieve the open circuit condition and
are not referred to output voltage levels.
14. t , WCS t , RWD t , CWD tAWD and tCPW are not restrictive operationg parameters. They are included in the data
sheet as electrical characteristics only; if tWCS tWCS (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the
data out pin will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle; if tRWD tRWD
(min), tCWD tCWD (min), and tAWD tAWD (min), or tCWD tCWD (min), tAWD tAWD (min) and tCPW tCPW
(min), the cycle is a read-modify-write and the data output will contain data read from the selected
cell; if neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of the data out (at access
time) is indeterminate.
15. These parameters are referred to
leading edge in early write cycles and to
in delayed write or read-modify-write cycles.
leading edge
16. tRASP defines
pulse width in fast page mode cycles.
17. Access time is determined by the longest among tAA, tCAC and t . CPA
18. In delayed write or read-modify-write cycles, must disable output buffer prior to applying data to
the device. After
is reset, if tOEH tCWL, the I/O pin will remain open circuit (high impedance);
if tOEH < tCWL, invalid data will be out at each I/O.
19. The 16M DRAM offers a 16-bit time saving parallel test mode. Address CA0 and CA1 for the 4M
4 are don’t care during test mode. Test mode is set by performing -and- -before-
(WCBR) cycle. In 16-bit parallel test mode, data is written into 4 bits in parallel at each I/O (I/O1 to
I/O4) and read out from each I/O.
If 4 bits of each I/O are equal (all 1s or 0s), data output pin is a high state during test mode read
cycle, then the device has passed. If they are not equal, data output pin is a low state, then the
device has failed.
Refresh during test mode operation can be performed by normal read cycles or by WCBR refresh
To get out of test mode and enter a normal operation mode, perform either a regular
refresh cycle or -only refresh cycle.
20. In a test mode read cycle, the value of tRAC, tAA, tCAC and tCPA is delayed by 2 ns to 5 ns for the
specified value. These parameters should be specified in test mode cycles by adding the above
value to the specified value in this data sheet.
21 XXX: H or L (H: VIH (min) VIN VIH (max), L: VIL (min) VIN VIL (max))
///////: Invalid Dout