Serial Ports
The SHARC serial ports provide an inexpensive interface to a
wide variety of digital and mixed-signal peripheral devices. Each
SHARC has two serial ports. The AD14060/AD14060L provides
direct access to Serial Port 1 of each SHARC. Serial Port 0
is bused together in common to each SHARC, and brought
The serial ports can operate at the full clock rate of the module,
providing each with a maximum data rate of 40 Mbit/s. Inde-
pendent transmit and receive functions provide more flexible
communications. Serial port data can be automatically trans-
ferred to and from on-SHARC memory via DMA, and each of
the serial ports offers time division multiplexed (TDM) multi-
channel mode.
The serial ports can operate with little-endian or big-endian
transmission formats, with word lengths selectable from 3 bits to
32 bits. They offer selectable synchronization and transmit modes
as well as optional µ-law or A-law companding. Serial port clocks
and frame syncs can be internally or externally generated.
Program Booting
The AD14060/AD14060L supports automatic downloading of
programs following power-up or a software reset. The SHARC
offers four options for program booting: 1) from an 8-bit
EPROM; 2) from a host processor; 3) through the link ports;
and 4) no-boot. In no-boot mode, the SHARC starts executing
instructions from address 0x0040 0004 in external memory.
The boot mode is selected by the state of the following signals:
On the AD14060/AD14060L, SHARC_A’s boot mode is sepa-
rately controlled, while SHARCs B, C, and D are controlled as
a group. With this flexibility, the AD14060/AD14060L can be
configured to boot in any of the following methods.
Multiprocessor Host Booting
To boot multiple ADSP-21060 processors from a host, each
ADSP-21060 must have its EBOOT, LBOOT and BMS pins
configured for host booting: EBOOT = 0, LBOOT = 0, and
BMS = 1. After system power-up, each ADSP-21060 will be in
the idle state and the BRx bus request lines will be deasserted.
The host must assert the HBR input and boot each ADSP-21060
by asserting its CS pin and downloading instructions.
Multiprocessor EPROM Booting
There are two methods of booting the multiprocessor system
from an EPROM.
SHARC_A Is Booted, Which Then Boots the Others. The
EBOOT pin on the SHARC_A must be set high for EPROM
booting. All other ADSP-21060s should be configured for host
booting (EBOOT = 0, LBOOT = 0, and BMS = 1), which
leaves them in the idle state at start-up and allows SHARC_A
to become bus master and boot itself. Only the BMS pin of
SHARC_A is connected to the chip select of the EPROM.
When SHARC_A has finished booting, it can boot the re-
maining ADSP-21060s by writing to their external port DMA
buffer 0 (EPB0) via multiprocessor memory space.
All ADSP-21060s Boot in Turn From a Single EPROM.
The BMS signals from each ADSP-21060 may be wire-ORed
together to drive the chip select pin of the EPROM. Each
ADSP-21060 can boot in turn, according to its priority. When
the last one has finished booting, it must inform the others
(which may be in the idle state) that program execution can begin.
Multiprocessor Link Port Booting
Booting can also be accomplished from a single source through
the link ports. Link Buffer 4 must always be used for booting.
To simultaneously boot all of the ADSP-21060s, a parallel
common connection is available through Link Port 4 on each of
the processors. Or, using the daisy chain connection that exists
between the processors’ link ports, each ADSP-21060 can boot
the next one in turn. In this case, the Link Assignment Register
(LAR) must be programmed to configure the internal link ports
with Link Buffer 4.
Multiprocessor Booting From External Memory
If external memory contains a program after reset, then
SHARC_A should be set up for no boot mode; it will begin ex-
ecuting from address 0x0040 0004 in external memory. When
booting has completed, the other ADSP-21060s may be booted
by SHARC_A if they are set up for host booting, or they can
begin executing out of external memory if they are set up for no
boot mode. Multiprocessor bus arbitration will allow this booting
to occur in an orderly manner.
Host Processor Interface
The AD14060/AD14060L’s host interface allows for easy con-
nection to standard microprocessor buses, both 16-bit and 32-
bit, with little additional hardware required. Asynchronous
transfers at speeds up to the full clock rate of the module are
supported. The host interface is accessed through the AD14060/
AD14060L external port and is memory-mapped into the uni-
fied address space. Four channels of DMA are available for the
host interface; code and data transfers are accomplished with
low software overhead.
The host processor requests the AD14060/AD14060L’s external
bus with the host bus request (HBR), host bus grant (HBG),
and ready (REDY) signals. The host can directly read and write
the internal memory of the SHARCs, and can access the DMA
channel setup and mailbox registers. Vector interrupt support is
provided for efficient execution of host commands.
Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller
The SHARCs on-chip DMA control logic allows zero-overhead
data transfers without processor intervention. The DMA con-
troller operates independently and invisibly to each SHARCs
processor core, allowing DMA operations to occur while the core
is simultaneously executing its program instructions.
DMA transfers can occur between SHARC internal memory
and either external memory, external peripherals, or a host
processor. DMA transfers can also occur between the SHARC’s
internal memory and its serial ports or link ports. DMA trans-
fers between external memory and external peripheral devices are
another option. External bus packing to 16-, 32- or 48-bit words
is performed during DMA transfers.
Ten channels of DMA are available on the SHARCs—two via
the link ports, four via the serial ports, and four via the processor’s
external port (for either host processor, other SHARCs, memory,
or I/O transfers). Four additional link port DMA channels are
shared with serial port 1 and the external port. Programs can be
downloaded to the SHARCs using DMA transfers. Asynchronous
off-module peripherals can control two DMA channels using
DMA Request/Grant lines (DMAR1-2, DMAG1-2). Other
DMA features include interrupt generation upon completion of
DMA transfers and DMA chaining for automatic linked DMA