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HT66F016 Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Holtek Semiconductor

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Holtek Semiconductor 
HT66F016 Datasheet PDF : 115 Pages
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Flash Program Memory
The Program Memory is the location where the user
code or program is stored. For this device series the
Program Memory is Flash type, which means it can be
programmed and re-programmed a large number of
times, allowing the user the convenience of code modifi-
cation on the same device. By using the appropriate
programming tools, these Flash devices offer users the
flexibility to conveniently debug and develop their appli-
cations while also offering a means of field programming
and updating.
The Program Memory has a capacity of 2K´16 bits. The
Program Memory is addressed by the Program Counter
and also contains data, table information and interrupt
entries. Table data, which can be setup in any location
within the Program Memory, is addressed by a separate
table pointer register.
HT66F016, HT68F016
HT66F017, HT68F017
R eset
In te rru p t
V e c to r
1 6 b its
Program Memory Structure
Special Vectors
Within the Program Memory, certain locations are re-
served for the reset and interrupts. The location 000H is
reserved for use by the device reset for program initialis-
ation. After a device reset is initiated, the program will
jump to this location and begin execution.
Look-up Table
Any location within the Program Memory can be defined
as a look-up table where programmers can store fixed
data. To use the look-up table, the table pointer must
first be setup by placing the address of the look up data
to be retrieved in the table pointer register, TBLP and
TBHP. These registers define the total address of the
look-up table.
After setting up the table pointer, the table data can be
retrieved from the Program Memory using the
²TABRD[m]² or ²TABRDL[m]² instructions, respectively.
When the instruction is executed, the lower order table
byte from the Program Memory will be transferred to the
user defined Data Memory register [m] as specified in
the instruction. The higher order table data byte from the
Program Memory will be transferred to the TBLH special
register. Any unused bits in this transferred higher order
byte will be read as ²0².
The accompanying diagram illustrates the addressing
data flow of the look-up table.
Lastpage or
T B H P R e g is te r
T B L P R e g is te r
P ro g ra m M e m o ry
D a ta
1 6 b its
R e g is te r T B L H
H ig h B y te
U s e r S e le c te d
R e g is te r
L o w B y te
Table Program Example
The following example shows how the table pointer and
table data is defined and retrieved from the
microcontroller. This example uses raw table data lo-
cated in the Program Memory which is stored there us-
ing the ORG statement. The value at this ORG
statement is ²700H² which refers to the start address of
the last page within the 2K words Program Memory of
the device. The table pointer is setup here to have an ini-
tial value of ²06H². This will ensure that the first data
read from the data table will be at the Program Memory
address ²706H² or 6 locations after the start of the last
page. Note that the value for the table pointer is refer-
enced to the first address of the present page if the
²TABRD [m]² instruction is being used. The high byte of
the table data which in this case is equal to zero will be
transferred to the TBLH register automatically when the
²TABRD [m]² instruction is executed.
Because the TBLH register is a read-only register and
cannot be restored, care should be taken to ensure its
protection if both the main routine and Interrupt Service
Routine use table read instructions. If using the table
read instructions, the Interrupt Service Routines may
change the value of the TBLH and subsequently cause
errors if used again by the main routine. As a rule it is
recommended that simultaneous use of the table read
instructions should be avoided. However, in situations
where simultaneous use cannot be avoided, the inter-
rupts should be disabled prior to the execution of any
main routine table-read instructions. Note that all table
related instructions require two instruction cycles to
complete their operation.
Rev. 1.40
November 22, 2016

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