ICM202B CIF/QCIF CMOS sensor with digital YUV output
Data Sheet V2.0, February 2003
2. Control Registers by serial bus
Note : *1 Need PART_CONTROL [7] to change value
*2 Need PART_CONTROL [2] to change value
Address Name
Processing control
[0] Mode select
0: Normal mode,
1: Single frame mode
[2] Exposure time control, writing a 1 will
activate the new value set in
AD_EXPOSE_TIME, when read back from
it, 0 means either the exposure time change
is finished (in video mode) or the entire
frame is transmitted (in single frame
mode), 1 means either the exposure time
change is still in progress (in video mode)
or the frame is yet to finish (in single frame
[6:3] Frame rate,
0: 30 fps
1: 15 fps
2: 10 fps
3: 6 fps
4: 5 fps
5: 3 fps
6: 2 fps
7: 1 fps
[7] Latent change, writing a 1 means the
changed latent registers now starts taking
effect, when the entire operation is done,
the read back value of this bit will change
from 1 to 0.
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