ICM202B CIF/QCIF CMOS sensor with digital YUV output
Data Sheet V2.0, February 2003
1.11 Hue
The Hue function is used to change the image color temperature. The color temperature is changed by
rotating the (U,V) vector:
U’ = U * COS + V * SIN
V’ = U * COS – V * SIN
The value of COS and SIN is define in the following registers:
0x29 (AD_SIN, Default = 0)
The SIN value. Default = 0x00 is equal to AD_SIN = 0.
0x2A (AD_COS, Default = 0x7F)
The COS value. Default = 0x7F is equal to AD_COS = 1.
1.12 Contrast
The Contrast function is control by the following function
The following registers:
0x28 (AD_CONTRAST, Default = 0x20)
Unsigned 1.5 format.
1.13 Output Format
The following output data format is provided:
8-bit YUV
8-bit YCbCr
16-bit YUV
16-bit YCbCr
16-bit RGB
24-bit RGB
8-bit raw data
The output mode can be CIF or Sub-sampling QCIF. Register 0x52 (AD_OUTSEL) is used to select the
various output format and output mode.
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