Table of Contents
Register 2:
Register 3:
Register 4:
Register 5:
Register 6:
Register 7:
Register 8:
Register 9:
Register 10:
Register 11:
Register 12:
Register 13:
Register 14:
Register 15:
Register 16:
Register 17:
Register 18:
Register 19:
Register 20:
Watchdog Value (WDTVALUE), offset 0x004 ................................................................... 202
Watchdog Control (WDTCTL), offset 0x008 ..................................................................... 203
Watchdog Interrupt Clear (WDTICR), offset 0x00C .......................................................... 204
Watchdog Raw Interrupt Status (WDTRIS), offset 0x010 .................................................. 205
Watchdog Masked Interrupt Status (WDTMIS), offset 0x014 ............................................. 206
Watchdog Test (WDTTEST), offset 0x418 ....................................................................... 207
Watchdog Lock (WDTLOCK), offset 0xC00 ..................................................................... 208
Watchdog Peripheral Identification 4 (WDTPeriphID4), offset 0xFD0 ................................. 209
Watchdog Peripheral Identification 5 (WDTPeriphID5), offset 0xFD4 ................................. 210
Watchdog Peripheral Identification 6 (WDTPeriphID6), offset 0xFD8 ................................. 211
Watchdog Peripheral Identification 7 (WDTPeriphID7), offset 0xFDC ................................ 212
Watchdog Peripheral Identification 0 (WDTPeriphID0), offset 0xFE0 ................................. 213
Watchdog Peripheral Identification 1 (WDTPeriphID1), offset 0xFE4 ................................. 214
Watchdog Peripheral Identification 2 (WDTPeriphID2), offset 0xFE8 ................................. 215
Watchdog Peripheral Identification 3 (WDTPeriphID3), offset 0xFEC ................................. 216
Watchdog PrimeCell Identification 0 (WDTPCellID0), offset 0xFF0 .................................... 217
Watchdog PrimeCell Identification 1 (WDTPCellID1), offset 0xFF4 .................................... 218
Watchdog PrimeCell Identification 2 (WDTPCellID2), offset 0xFF8 .................................... 219
Watchdog PrimeCell Identification 3 (WDTPCellID3 ), offset 0xFFC .................................. 220
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) ............................................................................................. 221
Register 1: ADC Active Sample Sequencer (ADCACTSS), offset 0x000 ............................................. 228
Register 2: ADC Raw Interrupt Status (ADCRIS), offset 0x004 ........................................................... 229
Register 3: ADC Interrupt Mask (ADCIM), offset 0x008 ..................................................................... 230
Register 4: ADC Interrupt Status and Clear (ADCISC), offset 0x00C .................................................. 231
Register 5: ADC Overflow Status (ADCOSTAT), offset 0x010 ............................................................ 232
Register 6: ADC Event Multiplexer Select (ADCEMUX), offset 0x014 ................................................. 233
Register 7: ADC Underflow Status (ADCUSTAT), offset 0x018 ........................................................... 236
Register 8: ADC Sample Sequencer Priority (ADCSSPRI), offset 0x020 ............................................. 237
Register 9: ADC Processor Sample Sequence Initiate (ADCPSSI), offset 0x028 ................................. 238
Register 10: ADC Sample Averaging Control (ADCSAC), offset 0x030 ................................................. 239
Register 11: ADC Sample Sequence Input Multiplexer Select 0 (ADCSSMUX0), offset 0x040 ............... 240
Register 12: ADC Sample Sequence Control 0 (ADCSSCTL0), offset 0x044 ........................................ 242
Register 13: ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO 0 (ADCSSFIFO0), offset 0x048 ................................ 245
Register 14: ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO 1 (ADCSSFIFO1), offset 0x068 ................................ 245
Register 15: ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO 2 (ADCSSFIFO2), offset 0x088 ................................ 245
Register 16: ADC Sample Sequence Result FIFO 3 (ADCSSFIFO3), offset 0x0A8 ............................... 245
Register 17: ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 0 Status (ADCSSFSTAT0), offset 0x04C ............................. 246
Register 18: ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 1 Status (ADCSSFSTAT1), offset 0x06C ............................. 246
Register 19: ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 2 Status (ADCSSFSTAT2), offset 0x08C ............................ 246
Register 20: ADC Sample Sequence FIFO 3 Status (ADCSSFSTAT3), offset 0x0AC ............................ 246
Register 21: ADC Sample Sequence Input Multiplexer Select 1 (ADCSSMUX1), offset 0x060 ............... 247
Register 22: ADC Sample Sequence Input Multiplexer Select 2 (ADCSSMUX2), offset 0x080 ............... 247
Register 23: ADC Sample Sequence Control 1 (ADCSSCTL1), offset 0x064 ........................................ 248
Register 24: ADC Sample Sequence Control 2 (ADCSSCTL2), offset 0x084 ........................................ 248
Register 25: ADC Sample Sequence Input Multiplexer Select 3 (ADCSSMUX3), offset 0x0A0 ............... 250
Register 26: ADC Sample Sequence Control 3 (ADCSSCTL3), offset 0x0A4 ........................................ 251
Register 27: ADC Test Mode Loopback (ADCTMLB), offset 0x100 ....................................................... 252
October 01, 2007