NXP Semiconductors
32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller
• Optional windowed operation requires reload to occur between a minimum and
maximum time period, both programmable.
• Optional warning interrupt can be generated at a programmable time prior to
watchdog time-out.
• Enabled by software but requires a hardware reset or a watchdog reset/interrupt to be
• Incorrect feed sequence causes reset or interrupt if enabled.
• Flag to indicate watchdog reset.
• Programmable 24-bit timer with internal prescaler.
• Selectable time period from (Tcy(WDCLK) 256 4) to (Tcy(WDCLK) 224 4) in
multiples of Tcy(WDCLK) 4.
• The Watchdog Clock (WDCLK) source can be selected from the IRC or the dedicated
watchdog oscillator (WDO). This gives a wide range of potential timing choices of
watchdog operation under different power conditions.
7.14 Clocking and power control
7.14.1 Crystal oscillators
The LPC1102 includes two independent oscillators. These are the Internal RC oscillator
(IRC) and the Watchdog oscillator. Each oscillator can be used for more than one purpose
as required in a particular application.
Following reset, the LPC1102 will operate from the Internal RC oscillator until switched by
software. This allows systems to operate without any external crystal and the bootloader
code to operate at a known frequency.
See Figure 4 for an overview of the LPC1102 clock generation.
Product data sheet
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Rev. 4 — 24 June 2011
© NXP B.V. 2011. All rights reserved.
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