current (description to follow). The dv/dt detector waits
for the ringing waveform to reach its minimum value and
then the switch turns back on. This switching behavior is
similar to zero volt switching and minimizes the amount of
energy lost when the switch is turned back on, improving
efficiency as much as 5%. Since this part operates on the
edge of continuous conduction mode and discontinuous
conduction mode, this operating mode is called critical
conduction mode (or boundary conduction mode).
Primary-Side Current Control Loop
The CTRL1/CTRL2/CTRL3 pins control the output current
of the flyback controller. To simplify the loop, assume
the VIN_SENSE pin is held at a constant voltage above
1V, eliminating the multiplier from the control loop. The
error amplifier, A5, is configured as an integrator with
the external capacitor, C6. The COMP+ node voltage is
converted to a current into the multiplier with the V/I
converter, A6. Since A7’s output is constant, the output
of the multiplier is proportional to A6 and can be ignored.
The output of the multiplier controls the peak current with
its connection to the current comparator, A1. The output
of the multiplier is also connected to the transmission
gate, SW1. The transmission gate, SW1, turns on when
the secondary current flows to the output capacitor. This
is called the flyback period (when the output diode D1 is
on). The current through the 1M resistor gets integrated
by A5. The lowest CTRL input is equal to the negative input
of A5 in steady state.
A current output regulator normally uses a sense resistor in
series with the output current and uses a feedback loop to
control the peak current of the switching converter. In this
isolated case the output current information is not available,
so instead the LT3799-1 calculates it using the informa-
tion available on the primary side of the transformer. The
output current may be calculated by taking the average of
the output diode current. As shown in Figure 1, the diode
current is a triangle waveform with a base of the flyback
time and a height of the peak secondary winding current.
In a flyback topology, the secondary winding current is N
times the primary winding current, where N is the primary
to secondary winding ratio. Instead of taking the area of
the triangle, think of it as a pulse width modulation (PWM)
waveform. During the flyback time, the average current
is half the peak secondary winding current and zero dur-
ing the rest of the cycle. The equation for expressing the
output current is:
IOUT = 0.5 • IPK • N • D´
where D´ is equal to the percentage of the cycle represented
by the flyback time.
37991 F01
Figure 1. Secondary Diode Current and Switch Waveforms
The LT3799-1 has access to both the primary winding
current, the input to the current comparator, and when
the flyback time starts and ends. Now the output current
can be calculated by averaging a PWM waveform with the
height of the current limit and the duty cycle of the flyback
time over the entire cycle. In the feedback loop previously
described, the input to the integrator is such a waveform.
The integrator adjusts the peak current until the calculated
output current equals the control voltage. If the calculated
output current is low compared to the control pin, the error
amplifier increases the voltage on the COMP+ node, thus
increasing the current comparator input.
For more information