Stuck-Bus Reset
The LTC2945 I2C interface features a stuck bus reset timer
to prevent it from holding the bus lines low indefinitely if
the SCL signal is interrupted during a transfer. The timer
starts when either SCL or SDAI is low, and resets when
both SCL and SDAI are pulled high. If either SCL or SDAI
are low for over 33ms, the stuck-bus timer will expire and
the internal I2C interface and the SDAO pin pulldown logic
will be reset to release the bus. Normal communication
will resume at the next Start command.
The acknowledge signal is used for handshaking between
the transmitter and the receiver to indicate that the last
byte of data was received. The transmitter always releases
the SDA line during the acknowledge clock pulse. The
LTC2945 will pull the SDA line low on the 9th clock cycle
to acknowledge receipt of the data. If the slave fails to
acknowledge by leaving SDA high, then the master can
abort the transmission by generating a Stop condition.
When the master is receiving data from the slave, the
master must acknowledge the slave by pulling down the
SDA line during the 9th clock pulse to indicate receipt of
a data byte. After the last byte has been received by the
master, it will leave the SDA line high (not acknowledge)
and issue a Stop condition to terminate the transmission.
Write Protocol
The master begins a write operation with a Start condition
followed by the seven-bit slave address and the R/W bit
set to zero. After the addressed LTC2945 acknowledges
the address byte, the master then sends a command byte
that indicates which internal register the master wishes to
write. The LTC2945 acknowledges this and then latches the
lower six bits of the command byte into its internal register
address pointer. The master then delivers the data byte and
the LTC2945 acknowledges once more and writes the data
into the internal register pointed to by the register address
pointer. If the master continues sending additional data
bytes with a Write Word or extended Write command, the
additional data bytes will be acknowledged by the LTC2945,
the register address pointer will automatically increment by
one, and data will be written as above. The write operation
terminates and the register address pointer resets to 00h
when the master sends a Stop condition.
Read Protocol
The master begins a read operation with a Start condition
followed by the 7-bit slave address and the R/W bit set
to zero. After the addressed LTC2945 acknowledges the
address byte, the master then sends a command byte
that indicates which internal register the master wishes to
read. The LTC2945 acknowledges this and then latches the
lower six bits of the command byte into its internal register
address pointer. The master then sends a repeated Start
condition followed by the same 7-bit address with the R/W
bit now set to 1. The LTC2945 acknowledges and sends
the contents of the requested register. The transmission
terminates when the master sends a Stop condition. If the
master acknowledges the transmitted data byte, as in a
Read Word command, the LTC2945 will send the contents
of the next register. If the master keeps acknowledging,
the LTC2945 will keep incrementing the register address
pointer and sending out data bytes. The read operation
terminates and the register address pointer resets to 00h
when the master sends a Stop condition.
Alert Response Protocol
When any of the fault bits in the FAULT register are set, a
bus alert is generated if the appropriate bit in the ALERT
register has been set. This allows the bus master to select
which faults will generate alerts. At power-up, the ALERT
register is cleared (no alerts enabled) and the ALERT pin is
high. If an alert is enabled, the corresponding fault causes
the ALERT pin to pull low. The bus master responds to the
alert in accordance with the SMBus alert response protocol
by broadcasting the Alert Response Address (0001100)b,
and the LTC2945 replies with its own address and releases
its ALERT pin as shown in Figure 12. The ALERT line is also
released if the FAULT or FAULT CoR registers are read (see
Table 2) since the faulting event can be identified by the
content in these registers. The ALERT signal is not pulled
low again until the Fault register indicates a different fault
has occurred or the original fault is cleared and it occurs
again. Note that this means repeated or continuing faults
will not generate additional alerts until the associated
FAULT register bits have been cleared.