Timing Waveform of Write
Cycle number 1, R/W
Controlled Timing (1) (2) (3) (7)
Timing Waveform of Write
Cycle number 2, CS
Controlled Timing (1) (2) (3) (5)
1. R/WC or CS must be high during all address transitions.
2. A write occurs during the overlap (tSW or tWP) of a low CS or SEM and a low R/W.
3. tWR is measured from the earlier of CS or R/W (or SEM or R/W) going high to the end of write cycle.
4. During this period, the I/O pins are in the output state, and input signals must not be applied.
5. If the CS or SEM low transition occurs simultaneously with or after the R/W low transition, the outputs remain in the high
impedance state.
6. Transition is measured ± 500 mV from steady state with a 5 pF load (including scope and jig).This parameter is sampled and
not 100% tested.
7. If OE is low during a R/W controlled write cycle, the write pulse width must be the larger of tWP or (tWZ + tDW) to allow the I/O
drivers to turn off and data to be placed on the bus for the required tDW. If OE is high during an R/W controlled write cycle,
this requirement does not apply and the write pulse can be as short as the specified tWP.
8. To access RAM, CS = VIL. SEM = VIH.
9. To access upper byte CS = VIL, UB = VIL, SEM = VIH.
To access lower byte CS = VIL, LB = VIL, SEM = VIH.