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MIC184YM Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Micrel

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MIC184YM Datasheet PDF : 20 Pages
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the MIC184 may then be clocked out. There is one excep-
tion to this rule: If the location latched in the pointer register
from the last write operation is known to be correct (i.e.,
points to the desired register), then the “RECEIVE_DATA”
procedure may be used. To perform a RECEIVE_DATA, the
host sends an address byte to select the slave MIC184, and
then retrieves the appropriate number (one or two) of data
bytes. Figures 1 through 5 show the formats for these data
read and data write procedures.
The command byte is 8 bits (1 byte) wide. This byte carries
the address of the MIC184 register to be operated upon, and
is stored in the MIC184’s pointer register. The pointer register
is a write-only register, which is implemented for backward
compatibility to the National Semiconductor LM75 and similar
devices. The command byte (pointer register) values corre-
sponding to the various MIC184 register addresses are shown
in Table 2. Command byte values other than 0000 00XXb =
00h through 03h are reserved, and should not be used.
The CONFIG register is 8 bits (1 byte) wide. Therefore, com-
munications with the CONFIG register will at a minimum require
The TEMP, T_HYST, and T_SET registers are logically
nine bits wide. Note, though, that these registers are physi-
cally two bytes (one SMBus word) wide within the MIC184.
Properly communicating with the MIC184 involves a 16-bit
to, these registers. This is a requirement of the I2C/SMBus
serial data protocols, which only allow data transfers to occur
in multiples of eight bits.
Temperature Data Format
The LSB of each 9-bit logical register represents 0.5°C. The
values are in a two’s complement format, wherein the most
significant bit (D8) represents the sign: “0” for positive tem-
peratures and “1” for negative temperatures. The seven least
significant bits of each 16-bit physical register are undefined.
Therefore, physical bits D6 through D0 of the data read
from these registers must be masked off, and the resulting
binary value right justified before using the data received.
It is also possible to read only the first byte of any of these
three registers, sacrificing 0.5°C of resolution in exchange
for somewhat simpler data handling. However, all writes
to the T_SET and T_HYST registers must be in the 16-bit
WRITE_WORD format. Table 3 shows examples of the data
format used by the MIC184 for temperatures.
A/D Converter Timing
Whenever the MIC184 is not in its low power shutdown mode,
the internal A/D converter (ADC) attempts to make continuous
conversions unless interrupted by a bus transaction accessing
the MIC184. When the MIC184 is accessed, the conversion
in progress will be halted, and the partial result discarded.
When the access of the MIC184 is complete the ADC will
begin a new conversion cycle, with results valid tCONV after
that. Figure 6 shows this behavior. tCONV is twice as long for
external conversions as it is for internal conversions. This al-
lows the use of a filter capacitor on the A2/T1 input without a
loss of accuracy due to the resulting longer settling times.
When power is initially applied, the MIC184’s internal registers
are set to default states which make the MIC184 completely
backward compatible with the LM75. Also at this time, the
levels on the address inputs A2, A1, and A0 are read to es-
tablish the device’s slave address. The MIC184’s power-up
default state can be summarized as follows:
• Normal-mode operation
(MIC184 not in shutdown)
• ZONE is set to internal
(on-chip temperature sensing)
• INT function is set to comparator mode
• INT output is set to active-low operation
• Fault_Queue depth = 1
• Interrupts are enabled (IM = 0)
• T_SET = +80°C; T_HYST = +75°C
In order to accommodate the use of A2/T1 as a dual-purpose
input, there is a weak pulldown on A2/T1 that will attempt to
sink ≈25µA from the pin to ground for tPOR following power-
up of the MIC184. This allows the MIC184 to pull A2/T1 to a
low state when a diode junction is connected from that pin
to ground, and latch a zero as the A2 address value. If A2 is
not to be used as a diode connection, it should be connected
to VDD or ground. Note that a fault in the external tempera-
ture sensor (if used) may not be reported until one or more
conversion cycles have been completed following power-on.
Shutdown Mode
Setting the SHDN bit in the configuration register halts the
otherwise continuous conversions by the A/D converter. The
T emperature
+125° C
+25° C
+0.5° C
0° C
–0.5° C
–25° C
–40° C
–55° C
R aw B inary
Mas ked B inary
0111 1101 0XXX XXXX
0001 1001 0XXX XXXX
0000 0000 1XXX XXXX
0000 0000 0XXX XXXX
1111 1111 1XXX XXXX
1110 0111 0XXX XXXX
1101 1000 0XXX XXXX
1100 1001 0XXX XXXX
0 1111 1010b
0 0011 0010b
0 0000 0001b
0 0000 0000b
1 1111 1111b
1 1100 1110b
1 1011 0000b
1 1001 0010b
Table 3. Digital Temperature Format
Mas ked Hex
0F Ah
1F F h
1C E h
1B 0h
May 2006

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