¡ ¡ SemiconSduectomr iconductor
This version: MJuLn9.210939-9Pxrxeliminary
5 ¥ 7 Dot Character ¥ 16-Digit ¥ 2-Line Display Controller/Driver with Character RAM
The ML9203-xx is a 5 ¥ 7 dot matrix type vacuum fluorescent display tube controller driver IC
which displays characters, numerics and symbols of a maximum of 16 digits ¥ 2 lines.
Dot matrix vacuum fluorescent display tube drive signals are generated by serial data sent from
a micro-controller. A display system is easily realized by internal ROM and RAM for character
The ML9203-xx has low power consumption since it is made by CMOS process technology.
-01 is available as a general-purpose code.
Custom codes are provided on customer's request.
• Logic power supply (VDD)
• VFD tube drive power supply (VDISP)
• VFD driver output current
: 3.3 V±10% or 5.0 V±10%
: 20 to 60 V
(VFD driver output can be connected directly to the VFD tube. No pull-down resistor is
- Segment driver (SEGA1 to A35, SEGB1 to B35)
Only one driver output is high
All the driver outputs are high
- Segment driver (ADA, ADB)
- Grid driver (COM1 to 16)
• Content of display
: –5 mA (VDISP=60V)
: –350 mA (VDISP=60V)
: –20 mA (VDISP=60V)
: –50 mA (VDISP=60V)
SEGA1 to SEGA35 and ADA
- CGROM_A 5¥7 dots
: 240 types (character data)
- CGRAM_A 5¥7 dots
: 16 types (character data)
- ADRAM_A 16 (display digit) ¥ 1 bit (symbol data; can be used for a cursor.)
- DCRAM_A 16 (display digit) ¥ 8 bits (register for character data display)
SEGB1 to SEGB35 and ADB
- CGROM_B 5¥7 dots
: 240 types (character data)
- CGRAM_B 5¥7 dots
: 16 types (character data)
- ADRAM_B 16 (display digit) ¥ 1 bit (symbol data; can be used for a cursor.)
- DCRAM_B 16 (display digit) ¥ 8 bits (register for character data display)
• Display control function
- Display digit
: 1 to 16 digits
- Display duty (brightness adjustment) : 0 to 1024 stages
- All lights ON/OFF
• 3 interfaces with microcontroller
: DA, CS, CP (4 interfaces when RESET is added)
• Built-in oscillation circuit
Crystal oscillation or ceralock oscillation : 4.0 MHz (Typ)
• Package options:
100-pin plastic QFP (QFP100-P-1420-0.65-BK) (Product name: ML9203-xxGA)