MX29F200C T/B
Macronix's products are not designed, manufactured, or intended for use for any high risk applications in which the
failure of a single component could cause death, personal injury, severe physical damage, or other substantial harm
to persons or property, such as life-support systems, high temperature automotive, medical, aircraft and military ap-
plication. Macronix and its suppliers will not be liable to you and/or any third party for any claims, injuries or damages
that may be incurred due to use of Macronix's products in the prohibited applications.
Copyright© Macronix International Co., Ltd. 2005~2009. All Rights Reserved. Macronix, MXIC, MXIC Logo, MX
Logo, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Macronix International Co., Ltd.. The names and brands of other
companies are for identification purposes only and may be claimed as the property of the respective companies.
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Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-3-5786688
Fax: +886-3-5632888
Macronix Offices : Japan
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Tel: +81-44-246-9100
Fax: +81-44-246-9105
Taipei Office
Macronix, International Co., Ltd.
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Tel: +886-2-2509-3300
Fax: +886-2-2509-2200
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Tel: +82-02-588-6887
Fax: +82-02-588-6828
Macronix Offices : China
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Tel: +65-6346-5505
Tel: +86-852-2607-4289
Fax: +86-852-2607-4229
Fax: +65-6348-8096
Macronix (Hong Kong) Co., Limited,
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Tel: +86-512-62580888 Ext: 3300
Macronix Offices : Europe
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Tel: +32-2-456-8020
Fax: +32-2-456-8021
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Macronix (Hong Kong) Co., Limited,
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Che Gong Miao, FutianDistrict, Shenzhen PRC 518040
Tel: +86-755-83433579
Fax: +86-755-83438078
Macronix Offices : USA
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Tel: +1-408-262-8887
Fax: +1-408-262-8810
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