EZ-KIT Lite - Monitor
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Echo Canceller
7.8 kbs LPC
2.4 kbs LPC
Exit App
Figure 1. EZ-KIT Lite Monitor Software
There is a simulator for each ADSP-2100 Family processor that
provides instruction-level simulation of program execution. The
Simulator models system memory and I/O according to the
contents of the system architecture file, and provides windows
to display different portions of the target system hardware. The
Graphical User Interface (GUI) lets system designers inter-
actively observe and alter register and memory contents,
providing a powerful debug environment. Simulator commands
can be entered from the mouse or keyboard.
Features offered by the ADSP-2100 Family Simulators include
the following:
• Program and Data Memory Simulation
• Memory-Mapped I/O Port Simulation
• Interrupt Simulation
• Program Booting (from PROM or host processor) Simulation
• Code Execution Pattern Profiling for Program Optimization
• On-Line Help
• Reconfigurable Windows
• Same User Interface as EZ-ICE Emulators
The Simulators are seamlessly integrated with the CBUG C
source-level debugger. CBUG supports the following
• Run, Step, Next, and Finish Program Execution Commands
• C Source Code Breakpoints
• Local and Global Variable Display with Auto Refresh
Examines Value of Variables at Previously Executed
• Symbol Look-Up
The ADSP-21xx EZ-KIT Lite is a low-cost, easy to use
development platform on which you can quickly get started with
your ADSP-2100 Family based DSP software design. The EZ-
KIT Lite is a complete development system package that
• ADDS-2181 EZ-LAB Board
• MS-Windows 3.1 Based Monitor Software
• Development Software Kit (upgradable to complete ADSP-
2100 Family Development Software package for full-featured
development of final systems)
• Demo Programs
- Digital Filtering
- Speech Compression
- Echo Cancellation
- DTMF Tone Generation
- MPEG Audio Playback
The EZ-Kit Lite uses the ADDS-2181 EZ-LAB as a
development platform on which you can develop software
applications for any of the ADSP-2100 Family DSPs. This is
possible because the ADSP-2181 represents a superset of the
features of the ADSP-2101/2105/2111/2115/2171 processors.
With the ADSP-2181’s 32K words of on-chip RAM, there is no
need for additional RAM devices on the EZ-LAB board. The
board simply requires connection to power, an analog input
source, and amplified speakers to be able to run audio
applications and demos.
The EZ-LAB board can run in a stand-alone mode, or it can be
connected to the RS-232 port of your PC. A Windows-based
monitor program lets you interactively download programs and
interrogate the ADSP-2181 (see Figure 1). The board comes
with a socketed EPROM so that you can run the monitor
program or demonstrations provided—or you can plug in an
EPROM containing your own code.