SPL 2Yxx
(SFH 4874x1)
Notes for Operation
1. Eye Protection
This laser is a Class 4 Laser product.
Refer to the relevant safety regulations for protection during handling and operation.
2. Overload Protection
The specified values are valid as long as the diode has not been not overloaded. Voltage
spikes from the power supply unit, even when applied for nanoseconds only, may cause irre-
versible damage to the laser diode. Such spikes may occur when the power supply is turned
on or off, or they may reach the laser diode from the line via the coupling capacitance of
electronically controlled devices.
The power supply should therefore be provided with appropriate protection circuits.
Handling Notes
1. Package
To avoid electrostatic damage it is recommended to observe the same rules as for handling
2. Mechanical Attachment
2.1 Mounting hole (suitable for M 2.5)
Because of the good thermal conductivity of the TO 220 base plate (copper) the heat
loss is properly dissipated even if the component is attached on one side only. Some
mounting techniques are shown below (Fig. 1 – 3).
2.2 For exact positioning of the TO component and other parts, e.g. lenses, the TO 220
package can be attached with appropriate clamping devices or screws (max. M 2.5).
3. Soldering
When soldering the TO base to a heat sink, do not exceed the following limits:
• max. soldering temperature: 125 °C
• max. soldering time:
1 min.
Semiconductor Group