Notel –Carrier Feedthrough
Carrier feedthrough is defined as the output voltage at carrier
frequency with only the carrier applied (signal voltage = 0),
Carrier null is achieved by balancing the currents in the differ-
ential amplifier by means of a bias trim potentiometer (RI of
Figure 5).
Note 2 – Carriar Suppression
base current, PD = 2 15 (V6 – V1O) + 15 (V5 – V1O) where sub-
scripts refer to pin numbers.
Note 6 – Design Equations
The following is a partial list of design quations needQ, to
operate the circuit with other supply voltagas and inpu~<&,O~~-
tions. See Note 3 for Re equation.
,., &-c.>~.,....z,.h
Carrier suppression is defined as the ratio of each sideband out-
put to carrier output for the carrier and signal volt~e levels speci-
Carrier suppression is very dependent on carrier input level, as
shown in Figure 22. A low value of the carrier does not fully
switch the upper switching devices, and results in lower signal
gain, hence lower carrier suppression. A higher than optimum car-
rier level results in unnecessary device and circuit carrier feed-
through, which again degenerates the suppression figure. The
MC1 596 has been characterized with a 60 mV(rms) sinewave
carrier input signal. This level provides optimum carrier suppres-
sion at carrier frequencies in the vicinity of 500 kHz, and is
generally recommended for balanced modulator applications.
Carrier feedthrough is independent of signal level, Vs. Thus
carrier suppression can be maximized by operating with large sig-
nal levels. However, a linear operating mode must be maintained
in the signal-input transistor pair — or harmonics of the modulating
signal will be generated and appear in the device output as spurious
sidebands of the suppressed carrier. This requirement places an
uPPer limit on in Put-signal amplitude (see Note 3 and Figure 20).
Note also that an optimum carrier level is recommended in Fig-
ure 22 for good carrier suppression and minimum spurious side-
‘ ‘?t{Jp
,Is ~.i+,,
QJr,. .....
band generation.
At higher frequencies circuit layout is very important in order
$$~$$~~fie MC1 596 requires three dc bias vo Itage levels which must be
..~~et externally. Guidelines for setting up these three levels include
to minimize carrier feedthrough. Shielding may be necessary in ,,,~i~ maintaining at Ie=t 2 volts collector-base bias on all transistors
order to prevent capacitive coupling between the carrier in~$t
leads and the output leads.
!l>.< l\,,,:,,
while not exceeding the voltages given in the absolute maximum
rating table;
30 Vdc > [(V6, Vg) – (V7, V8)] > 2 Vdc
30 Vdc > [(V7, V8) – (Vi, V4)] > 2.7 Vdc
30Vdc > [(VI, V4) – (V5)1 2 2.7 Vdc
A constant dc potential is applied t~~~h$.~$?~er input termina Is to
fully switch two of the upper tr~%i{~~{$><’on” and two transistors
“off” (Vc = 0.5 Vdc).
This in:&~+f~f.d~>~~,,::i~, ’ forms a cascode differential
Linear operation req:i,~~~h~at the signal input be below a criti-
cal value determined by ~~’~l~,,$he bias current 15
The foregoing conditions are based on the following approxima-
V6 = Vg,
V7 = V8,
VJ = V4
Bias currents flowing into pins 1, 4, 7, and 8 are transistor base
currents and can normally be neglected if external bias dividers
are designed to carry 1.0 mA or more,
Note that in,j$~e$st~’’cir cuit of F igura 10, VS corresponds
maximum v~e q~ ~volt peak.
Note 4 ~~~&on-Mode
to a
?~&-~&~mon-mode swing is the voltage which may be applied
to bo~bases of the signal differential amplifier, without saturating
the current sources or without saturating the differential amplifier
itself by swinging it into the upper switching devices. This swing
is variable depending on the particular circuit and bi~ing condi-
tions chosen (see Note 6).
Note 8 – Transadmittance Bandwidth
Carriar transadmittance bandwidth is the 3-dB bandwidth of
the device fomard transadmittance as defined by:
i. (each sideband)
Y21C =
vs (signal)
Signai transadmittance bandwidth is the 3dB bandwidth of the
device forward transedmittance as defined by:
i. (signal)
Y21S = VS (signal) Vc = 0.5 Vdc, V. = O
Note 5 – Power Dissipation
Power dissipation, PD, within the integrated circuit package
should be calculated as the summation of tha voltage-current prod-
UCtS at each pOrt, i.e. aSSUming
Vg = V6, 15 = 16 = 19 and ignoring
*Pin number references pertain to this device when packaged in a
matal can. To ascertain the corresponding pin numbers for plas-
tic or ceramic packaged devices refer to the first page of this
specification sheet.
Semiconductor Products Inc.