Hybrid (analog and digital) Silicon Tuner for terrestrial and
cable TV reception
Rev. 2 — 11 August 2010
Product data sheet
1. General description
The TDA18272HN is a Silicon Tuner designed for terrestrial and cable TV reception for
both analog and digital signals. TDA18272HN/M (Master) is to be used as a stand-alone
tuner IC or Master in dual tuner application. TDA18272HN/S (Slave) is only to be used as
Slave Silicon Tuner in dual tuner application.
The TDA18272HN supports all analog and digital TV standards and delivers a LOW IF
(LIF) signal to a demodulator for analog TV and/or a channel demodulator for digital TV.
2. Features and benefits
Fully integrated IF selectivity; eliminating the need for external SAW filters
Worldwide multistandard terrestrial and cable
Fully integrated oscillators
Alignment free
Single 3.3 V supply voltage
Integrated wideband gain control
Crystal oscillator output buffer (16 MHz) for single crystal applications
I2C-bus interface compatible with 3.3 V microcontrollers
Slave tuner output function to drive second (slave) Silicon Tuner
Easy programming
5 ms tuning time
LIF channel center frequency output ranging from 3 MHz to 5 MHz
1.7 MHz, 6 MHz, 7 MHz, 8 MHz and 10 MHz channel bandwidths
Ready for DVB-T2
RoHS compliant
3. Quick reference data
Table 1. Quick reference data
Symbol Parameter
RF frequency
tuner noise figure
full range of RF input
75 Ω source; maximum gain
Min Typ Max Unit
42 - 870 MHz
5.0 - dB