Table 8. Alpha Channel Gains
a value (hex) 8-bit Gain
9-bit Gain
Fill Color Registers
Three registers, 03, 04, and 05, store a solid fill color, F.
Either GBR values or YCBCR values may be stored but the
format must match the data format of the A- and B-channels
at the input to the crosspoint switch.
Fill color registers are accessed through the D7-0 micropro-
cessor port. Fill color may be used as an alternative video
source for fades.
There are three sources of data for the mixer: A-channel pix-
els, B-channel pixels, and the stored fill color, F. One pair of
inputs, either AB, BF or FA are selected by the Crosspoint
Switch to be passed to the V1 and V2 inputs of the a-Mixer.
Prior to mixing, V1 and V2 data formats must be matched
(see Table 1).
Within the a-Mixer are three dual input 9-bit mixers which
mix each of the component channels of V1 and V2. By vary-
ing the value on the a-channel from 000h to 100h, the Mixer
performs a 256-step transition from one digital video source
to the other.
Six dissolve transitions are supported: A-to-B, A-to-F,
B-to-A, B-to-F, F-to-A, and F-to-B. Type of dissolve is
selected by directing the A-, B-, or F pixels to the V1 or V2
mixer input via the ABF Crosspoint Switch. This is done
either by internal Control Registers via the microprocessor
port or directly through the SMX2-0 inputs. SMX2-0 input
pins are enabled via SMX Control Register bits. When
enabled, SMX2-0 directly control the ABF Crosspoint Multi-
plexer on a pixel-by-pixel basis, for externally derived wipe
Rate of dissolve is controlled directly through the a-channel.
Transfer function of the mixer is:
M = ( a ) V1 + ( 1-a ) V2
where V1 and V2 are two of the three inputs A, B or F
selected by the crosspoint switch.
For an A-to-B dissolve transition, as the value of the eight
LSBs of the a-channel change from 00h to FFh, (or 000h to
100h in the 9-bit mode), an increasing level of A-channel
contribution and a decreasing level of B-channel contribu-
tion becomes evident at the output, M.
Bit a8 of the a-channel can correct for the 255/256 gain
factor in the A-channel that occurs when the 8-bit a value is
FFh. When a8 =1, bits a7-0 are ignored, A-channel gain is set
to 256/256 and B-channel gain is set to 0/256.
Modified transfer functions may be selected for background/
foreground and drop-shadow effects by programming con-
trol register bits, MIXTFN.
A Foreground Key may be created such that:
M = ( a ) V1
A Background Key may be created such that:
M = ( a ) V1 + V2
By using foreground and background mixers in series, drop
shadow effects can be implemented.
a may change at pixel rates up to 40 Mpps on a pixel-by-
pixel basis, allowing smooth transitions from one video
source to another. Transition time interval may vary from
many frames to only a few or a single pixel depending upon
the a-channel data rate.
a8 may be used like a key input. Either unity gain V1 or
( 1-a )V2 may be selected. A- and B-channel pixels may be
mixed by switching a8 on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Pipeline
latencies of the a-, A- and B-channels are matched.
Passing of Non-Pixel Data
In the PASSON mode, the TMC2081 is transparent to data
accepted during the PASSEN = LOW period (see Figure 10
and Figure 11). Either PDA or PDB data may be selected to
pass on reference signals containing time codes, subcarrier
phase and frequency data from upstream video processors.
Digital Outputs
Data at the M23-0 output port, may be selected from either
the mixer or, for digital preview, the A or B crosspoint switch
The 444-to-422 formatter may be bypassed for 24-bit output.
To convert 24-bit YCBCR data to the 16-bit YCBCR422 for-
mat, the formatter needs to be enabled.
Except for color index, all data formats shown in Figure 1
are available:
• YCBCR444
• YCBCR422