4. Circuit Description
4.1 Interval Function, Pin 2
By closing the interval switch, S2, to supply voltage, VBatt, the relay is activated. The internal cur-
rent source (pin 3) which holds the capacitor C2 in a charged state is switched-off. As soon as
there is a positive potential at the park switch (S1), the current source F (see Figure 2-1 on page
2) charges the capacitor C2 very quickly. After the wiper operation is finished, S1 is again at
ground potential, the relay is in the off position - interval pause begins - the capacitor C2 is dis-
charged through the current source C, till the voltage at pin 3 is below the threshold of 2V.
Interval pause can be adjusted between 4s to 20s with the help of potentiometer R3. Now the
relay switches on and the next interval cycle begins. Opening of switch S2 causes the current
source A to discharge C2 immediately and current sources C and F are switched-off.
4.2 Wipe/Wash (WIWA) Operation, Pin 5
By closing the WIWA switch, S3, to supply voltage, VBatt, the water pump starts spraying water
on the windshield. During this function, the current source A is switched-off which keeps the
capacitor C2 in a discharged state. Now the capacitor is charged through the current sources D
and F. If (after a time interval of approximately 100 ms) the voltage at the capacitor is greater
than 6.5V, the relay is turned on as long as the switch WIWA is closed.
The after-wiping time begins when the switch is open, the sources D and F are switched off and
the source E is activated. Source E discharges the capacitor until the voltage is less than 2.2V.
The relay is off and the wiper-motor is supplied via the park switch until the park position is
reached. The after-wiping time is determined by the current source E which can be regulated
with the external resistor RTime. When the after-wiping time has elapsed, the source A dis-
charges the capacitor. The relay switch is independent of the park switch S1.
4.3 Interval and WIWA Functions
The interval function is interrupted immediately when the wipe/wash mode is activated. The cur-
rent source A discharges the capacitor to a value of 2V, afterwards, the normal wash function
Interval wiping starts immediately when the after-wipe time is over. The switching delays are
slightly shorter, because the capacitor is already charged to a value of 2V.
The wipe/wash function is not interrupted when the interval switch S2 is activated. The interval
function begins after the WIWA function has elapsed.
4 U642B