Quad Transceiver
for Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel
Advance Product Information
Ordering Information
The order number for this product is formed by a combination of the device type and package type.
VSC7182 TW
Device Type
Quad Gigabit Transceiver
TW: 208-Pin, 23mm BGA
This document contains information about a new product during its fabrication or early sampling phase of development. The
information in this document is based on design targets, simulation results or early prototype test results. Characteristic data and
other specifications are subject to change without notice. Therefore the reader is cautioned to confirm that this data sheet is current
prior to design or order placement.
Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation’s products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices or systems. Use of
a Vitesse product in such applications without written consent is prohibited.
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G52307-0, Rev 2.2