Product Preview
1. MICN input only in single ended microphone configuration. Maximum input signal to MICP without distortion is -3dBV.
2. Hold Time is the length of time between a signal detected being too quiet and beginning to ramp up the gain. It does
not apply to ramping down the gain when the signal is too loud, which happens without a delay.
3. Ramp-up and Ramp-Down times are defined as the time it takes for the PGA to change it’s gain by 6dB.
4. All hold, ramp-up and ramp-down times scale proportionally with MCLK
5. Signal-to-noise ratio (dB) – SNR is a measure of the difference in level between the full scale output and the output with
no signal applied. (No Auto-zero or Automute function is employed in achieving these results).
6. THD+N (dB) – THD+N is a ratio, of the rms values, of (Noise + Distortion)/Signal.
7. The maximum output voltage can be limited by the speaker power supply. If MONOBOOST=1 then SPKVDD should
be 1.5xAVDD or higher to prevent clipping taking place in the output stage.
PP Rev 1.1 September 2004