28-Pin Low-Voltage Infrared Microcontrollers
• Programmable mask options
– Oscillator selection: RC oscillator or crystal/other clock source
– Oscillator operational mode: normal high-frequency operation enabled or
32-KHz operation enabled
– Port 0: 0–3 pull-ups
– Port 0: 4–7 pull-ups
– Port 2: 0–7 pull-ups
– Port 3: pull-ups
– Port 0: 0–3 mouse mode: normal mode (.5VDD input threshold) versus
mouse mode (.4VDD input threshold)
Note: The mask option pull-up transistor has a typical equivalent
resistance of 200 K±50% at VCC=3 V and 450 K±50% at
VCC=2 V.
19-4615; Rev 0; 4/09