Dual, Current-Limited, High-Side P-Channel
Switches with Thermal Shutdown
_______________Detailed Description
The MAX894L/MAX895L P-channel MOSFET power
switches limit output current to a user-programmed
level. When the output current is increased beyond the
set current level, the current also increases through the
replica switch (IOUT/1050) (MAX895) and through RSET
(Figure 1). The current-limit error amplifier compares
the voltage across RSET to the internal 1.24V reference,
and regulates the current back to the lesser of the pro-
grammed current limit (ILIMIT) or the maximum current
limit (IMAX).
These switches are not bidirectional; therefore, the
input voltage must be higher than the output voltage.
Setting the Current Limit
The MAX894L/MAX895L feature internal current-limiting
circuitry with maximum programmable values (IMAX) of
500mA, and 250mA, respectively. For best perfor-
mance, set the current limit (ILIMIT) between 0.2IMAX ≤
ILIMIT ≤ IMAX. This current limit remains in effect
throughout the input supply-voltage range.
Program the current limit with a resistor (RSET_) con-
nected from SET_ to ground (Figure 2) as follows:
RSET = 1.24V / ISET = (1.24V x IRATIO) / ILIMIT
where ILIMIT is the desired current limit for either switch
and IRATIO is the IOUT to ISET current ratio (1085mA for
the MAX894L and 1050mA for the MAX895L.
Short-Circuit Protection
The MAX894L/MAX895L are short-circuit-protected
switches. In the event of an output short circuit or cur-
rent-overload condition, the current through either switch
is limited by the internal current-limiting error amplifier to
1.5 x ILIMIT. When the fault condition is removed, the
replica error amplifier sets the current limit back to ILIMIT.
For a high ∆VDS/∆t during an output short-circuit condi-
tion, the switch turns off and disconnects the input supply
from the output. The current-limiting amplifier then slowly
turns the switch on with the output current limited to
1.5 x ISET. When the fault condition is removed, the current
limit is set back to ILIMIT. Refer to Output Short-Circuit
Fast-Loop Response and Output Short-Circuit Slow-Loop
Response in the Typical Operating Characteristics.
Thermal Shutdown
The MAX894L/MAX895L feature thermal shutdown. The
switch turns off when the junction temperature exceeds
+135°C. Once the device cools by 10°C, the switch turns
back on. If the fault short-circuit condition is not
removed, the switch cycles on and off, resulting in a
pulsed output.
Figure 2. Setting the Current Limit
__________Applications Information
Input Capacitor
To limit input voltage drop during momentary output
short-circuit conditions, place a capacitor from IN to
GND. A 1µF ceramic capacitor is adequate for most
applications; however, higher capacitor values further
reduce voltage drop at the input.
Output Capacitor
Connect a 0.1µF capacitor from OUT to GND. This
capacitor prevents inductive parasitics from pulling
OUT negative during turn-off.
Layout and Thermal-Dissipation
To take full advantage of the switch-response time to
output short-circuit conditions, it is very important to
keep all traces as short as possible, reducing the effect
of undesirable parasitic inductance. Place input and
output capacitors as close as possible to the device
(no more than 5mm).
Under normal operating conditions, the package can
dissipate and channel heat away. Calculate the maxi-
mum power as follows:
where RONA and RONB are the on-resistances of
switches A and B, respectively.
When one or both outputs are short circuited, the volt-
age drop across the switch equals the input supply.
Hence, the power dissipated across the switch increas-
es, as does the die temperature. If the fault condition is
not removed, the thermal-overload-protection circuitry
turns the switch off until the die temperature falls by
10°C. A ground plane in contact with the device helps
to further dissipate heat.
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