SENSE+ (Pin 1): Positive Sense Input. This is the
noninverting current sense input. Connect SENSE+ to the
load and charger side of the sense resistor. Full-scale
current sense input is 50mV. SENSE+ must be within
60mV of VDD for proper operation.
SENSE– (Pin 2): Negative Sense Input. This is the inverting
current sense input. Connect SENSE– to the positive
battery terminal side of the sense resistor. Full-scale
current sense input is 50mV. SENSE– must be within
60mV of VDD for proper operation.
CF+ (Pin 3): Filter Capacitor Positive Input. A capacitor
connected between CF+ and CF– filters and averages noise
and fast battery current variations. A 4.7µF value is recom-
mended. If filtering is not desired, leave CF+ and CF–
CF– (Pin 4): Filter Capacitor Negative Input. A capacitor
connected between CF+ and CF– filters and averages noise
and fast battery current variations. A 4.7µF value is recom-
mended. If filtering is not desired, leave CF+ and CF–
SHDN (Pin 5): Shutdown Digital Input. When asserted
low, SHDN forces the LTC4150 into its low current con-
sumption power-down mode and resets the part. In appli-
cations with logic supply VCC > VDD, a resistive divider
must be used between SHDN and the logic which drives it.
See the Applications Information section.
POL (Pin 6): Battery Current Polarity Open-Drain Output.
POL indicates the most recent battery current polarity
when INT is high. A low state indicates the current is
flowing out of the battery while high impedance means the
current is going into the battery. POL latches its state when
INT is asserted low. POL is an open-drain output and can
be pulled up to any logic supply up to 9V. In shutdown,
POL is high impedance.
GND (Pin 7): Ground. Connect directly to the negative
battery terminal.
VDD (Pin 8): Positive Power Supply. Connect to the load
and charger side of the sense resistor. SENSE+ also
connects to VDD. VDD operating range is 2.7V to 8.5V.
Bypass VDD with 4.7µF capacitor.
CLR (Pin 9): Clear Interrupt Digital Input. When asserted
low for more than 20µs, CLR resets INT high. Charge
counting is unaffected. INT may be directly connected to
CLR. In this case the LTC4150 will capture each assertion
of INT and wait at least 1µs before resetting it. This ensures
that INT pulses low for at least 1µs but gives automatic INT
reset. In applications with a logic supply VCC > VDD, a
resistive divider must be used between INT and CLR. See
the Applications Information section.
INT (Pin 10): Charge Count Interrupt Open-Drain Output.
INT latches low every 1/(VSENSE • GVF) seconds and is
reset by a low pulse at CLR. INT is an open-drain output
and can be pulled up to any logic supply of up to 9V. In
shutdown INT is high impedance.