LANSDALE Semiconductor, Inc.
The ML13156 is a low power single conversion wideband FM
receiver incorporating a split IF. This device can be used as a single
conversion receiver or as the backend in digital FM systems such as
CT–2 and wide band data links with data rates up to 500 kbaud. It
contains a mixer, oscillator, signal strength meter drive, IF amplifi-
er, limiting IF, quadrature detector and a data slicer with a hold
function (refer to Figure 8, Simplified Internal Circuit Schematic).
Temperature compensating voltage independent current regula-
tors are used throughout.
The mixer is a double–balanced four quadrant multiplier and is
designed to work up to 500 MHz. It can be used in differential
or in single–ended mode by connecting the other input to the
positive supply rail.
Figure 4 shows the mixer gain and saturated output response as
a function of input signal drive. The circuit used to measure this
is shown in Figure 1. The linear gain of the mixer is approxi-
mately 22 dB. Figure 9 shows the mixer gain versus the IF out-
put frequency with the local oscillator of 150 MHz at 100
mVms LO drive level. The RF frequency is swept. The sensitivi-
ty of the IF output of the mixer is shown in Figure 10 for an RF
input drive of 10 mVrms at 140 MHz and IF at 10 MHz.
RSSI current output is derived by summing the currents for the
IF and limiting amplifier stages. An external resistor at Pin 20
sets the voltage range or swing of the RSSI output voltage.
Linearity of the RSSI is optimized by using external ceramic or
crystal bandpass filters which have and insertion loss of 8.0 dB.
The RSSI circuit is designed to provide 70+ dB of dynamic
range with temperature compensation (see Figures 6 and 7
which show RSSI responses of the IF and Limiter amplifiers).
Variation in the RSSI output current with supply voltage is 5 ma
total delta (see Figure 11).
When the meter current flowing through the meter load resist-
ance reaches 1.2 Vdc above ground, the comparator flips, caus-
ing the carrier detect output to go high. Hysteresis can be
accomplished by adding a very large resistor for positive feed-
back between the output and the input of the comparator.
The first IF amplifier section is composed of three differential
stages with the second and third stages contributing to the RSSI.
This section has internal dc feedback and external input decou-
pling for improved symmetry and stability. The total gain of the
IF amplifier block is approximately 39 dB at 10.7 MHz. Figure
5 shows the gain and saturated output response of the IF ampli-
fier over temperature, while Figure 12 shows the IF amplifier
gain as a function of the IF frequency.
The single–ended parallel equivalent input impedance of the
mixer is Rp ~ 1.0 kΩ and Cp ~ 4.0 pF (see Table 1 for details).
The buffered output of the mixer is internally loaded resulting in
an output impedance of 330 Ω.
The fixed internal input impedance is 1.4kΩ. It is designed for
application where a 455 kHz ceramic filter is used and no exter-
nal output matching is necessary since the filter requires a 1.4
kΩ source and load impedance.
The on–chip transistor operates with crystal and LC resonant
elements up to 220 MHz. Series resonant, overtone crystals are
used to achieve excellent local oscillator stability. 3rd overtone
crystals are used through about 65 to 70 MHz. Operation from
70 MHz up to 180 MHz is feasible using the on–chip transistor
with a 5th or 7th overtone crystal. To enhance operation using
an overtone crystal, the internal transistor’s bias is increased by
adding an external resistor from Pin 23 to VEE. –10 dBm of
local oscillator drive is needed to adequately drive the mixer
(Figure 10).
The oscillator configurations specified above, and two others
using an external transistor, are described in the application sec-
1) A 133 MHz oscillator multiplier using a 3rd overtone
crystal, and
2) A 307.8 to 309.3 MHz manually tuned, varactor
controlled local oscillator.
The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) output is a cur-
rent proportional to the log of the received signal amplitude. The
For 10.7 Mhz ceramic filter applications, an external 430 Ω
resistor must be added in parallel to provide the equivalent load
impedance of 330 Ω that is required by the filter; however, no
external matching is necessary at the input since the mixer out-
put matches the 330 Ω source impedance of the filter. For 455
kHz applications, an external 1.1 kΩ resistor must be added in
series with the mixer output to obtain the required matching
impedance of 1.4 kΩ of the filter input resistance. Overall RSSI
linearity is dependent on having total midband attenuation of 12
dB (6.0 dB insertion loss plus 6.0 dB impedance matching loss)
for the filter. The output of the IF amplifier is buffered and the
impedance is 290 Ω.
The limiter section is similar to the IF amplifier section except
that four stages are used with the last three contributing to the
RSSI. The fixed internal input impedance is 1.4 kΩ. The total
gain of the limiting amplifier sections is approximately 55 dB.
This IF limiting amplifier section internally drives the quadra-
ture detector section.
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Issue A