The ALC can support 36 dB gain with the attack time and release time controlled by C6 and R3 * C6, respectively.
Speaker output signal can be attenuated either by internal register or external resister. For the former, the
attenuation is from 0 to -45 dB with 16 steps and -3.0dB/step. For the later, 10K ohms variable resistor is
suggested. If switches SWF and SWH are open, then attenuator will be muted to -70dB automatically.
To read/write the internal registers.
SDEN\ (serial data enable) is used to start receiving control signal.
8kHz frame used to transmit/receive the serial data (SDATA).
4-pin signal will complete the data trasmitting/receiving.
MCLK is not only the data rate but also the chip master clock. Currently, it is fixed at 1.536 MHz and the frame
synchronization clock, Fs, is 8 kHz. For simplicity, the A/D and D/A are synchronous so that MCLK and Fs are
Data transfer of DX/DR are MSB first in both 8-bit and 16-bit formats.
Two 2.25V voltage references are on-chip generated . VREF is for external and AG is for internal uses. Both two
pins need the decoupling capacitors AGND at all times. VREF can be used to bias the microphone, the level shift
circuits, or others.
There are 2 registers which are used to control all of the switches so that user can direct many different signal
paths, of which 3 of them are :
a) Path of normal operation
MIC input --> SWA --> PGA/ALC --> SWC --> SWD --> PCM Codec Ain
LOUT1/LOUT2 <-- LINE DRIVER <-- SWE <-- PCM Codec Aout
b) Path of room monitor
MIC input --> SWA --> PGA/ALC --> SWC --> SWJ --> Line Driver
LINE IN --> Line Buffer --> SWI --> PCM Codec Ain
c) Path of line play
LINE IN --> SWA --> PGA/ALC --> SWC --> SWD --> PCM Codec Ain
LOUT1/LOUT2 <-- Line Driver <-- SWE <-- PCM Codec Aout
SPK <-- Attenuator <-- SWF <-- PCM Codec Aout