NJL6163R Taping Specification
1. Taping Size
1) Carrier tape is used with Styrene type Carbonated Plastic.
2) Cover tape is used with electro statistically prevention treated Polyester type tape.
3) Product taping direction is to place the index mark against the pull out direction of the tape as in the drawing.
Pull out direction of tape
4.0 φ 1.5
Carrier tape
Cover tape
2. Taping Strength
Pull up the cover tape from the carrier tape, and when the opening angle comes around 10 to 15°, and the peeling-off
strength is to be within the power of 20 to 70g.
3. Packaging
1) The taped products are to be rolled up on the taping reel as on the drawing.
2) Rolling up specification
2-1) Start Rolling : Carrier tape open space more than 20 Pieces.
2-2) End of Rolling : Carrier tape open space more than 20 Pieces, and 2 round of reel space at the cover tape only.
3) Taping quantity : 2,000 Pieces
4) Seal off after putting each reels in a dampproof bag with silica gel (3 bags).