SAE 800
Application Hints and Application Circuit
1) Loudness Resistor (max. Load Current of 3-Tone Signal with Ensured Ratio of Amplitudes)
0.8 VS / RQ ≈ (VL / RL) x K
RL = (VL / 0.8 VS) x RQ x K; K = 4800
Example: RQ = 8 Ω; VS = 5 V; VL = 1.2 V
RL = (1.2 / 4) x 8 Ω x 4800 ≈ 12 kΩ
2) Oscillator Elements RR , CC
f = 5 / 8 x 1 / (RR x CC)
Example: f = 13.2 kHz; CC = 4.7 nF
RR = 5 / (8 x 13.2 x 4.7) x 106 Ω ≈ 10 kΩ
The following is a typical application circuit
Application Circuit
Semiconductor Group