GPS LSI with Built-in 32-bit RISC CPU
The CXD2930BR is a dedicated LSI for the GPS
(Global Positioning System) satellite-based position
measurement system. This LSI contains a 32-bit
RISC CPU, RAM, UART, timer, etc.
This LSI, used together with an external ROM and
RF LSI (CXA1951AQ), enables the configuration of
a 3-chip system capable of measuring its position
anywhere on the globe.
144 pin LQFP (Plastic)
• 16-channel GPS receiver capable of simultaneously receiving 16 satellites
• Supports DARC system FM multiplexed differential GPS
• All-in-view measurement
• 2-satellite measurement
• Timer supporting GPS time
• High performance 32-bit RISC CPU
• 32K-byte RAM
• 3-channel UART
• Baud rate generator
• Supports 1.2K, 2.4K, 4.8K, 9.6K, 19.2K and 38.4K baud
• Supports 1/2/4-byte buffer mode
• 23-bit general-purpose I/O port capable of defining input/output independently for each bit
Silicon gate CMOS IC
Recommended Operating Conditions
• Supply voltage
VDD 3.0 to 3.6 V
• Operating temperature Topr –40 to +85 °C
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