When also the Toff interval has expired, the out-
put power MOS is switched ON.
Now two conditions may occur
- the overload is still present. In this case the out-
put power MOS is again driven in linear mode
(limiting the output current to Isc) for another Ton,
starting a new cycle, or
- the overload condition is removed, and the out-
put power MOS is no longer driven in linear
All these occurrences are presented on the DIAG
pin (see fig 2). We call this unique feature Non
Dissipative Short Circuit Protection and it en-
sures a very safe operation even in permanent
overload conditions. Note that, of course, choos-
ing the most appropriate value for the Ton interval
(i.e. the value of the Cdon capacitor) a delay (the
Ton itself) will prevent that a misleading Short Cir-
cuit information is presented on the DIAG output,
when driving capacitive loads (that acts like short
circuit in the very beginning) or Incandescent
Lamp (a cold filament has a very low resistive
The Non Dissipative Short Circuit Protection can
be disabled (keeping Ton = 0 but with the output
current still limited to Isc, and Diagnostic dis-
abled) simply shorting to ground the the ON DE-
LAY pin.
proper thermal design of the board. If, for what-
ever reason (load current or inductive value too
big) the peak power dissipation is too high, an ex-
ternal Zener plus Diode arrangement, can per-
form a demagnetisation versus Ground or versus
Vs (see fig 5 and 6). The breakdown voltage of
the external Zener Diode must be chosen consid-
ering the internal clamping voltage (Vcl) and the
supply voltage (Vs) according to:
Vz< Vcl(min)-Vs(max)
for demagnetisation versus Ground or
for demagnetisation versus Vs.
Figure 4: Input Comparator Hysteresis
100mV 100mV
The L6377 has an internal clamping zener diode
able to demagnetise inductive loads. Note that
the limitation comes from the peak power that the
package can handle. Attention must be paid to a