Micrel, Inc.
Interface Applications
For Input Interface Applications, see Figures 4a
through 4f and for CML Output Termination, see
Figure 5a through Figure 5d.
CML Output Termination with VCCO 1.2V
For VCCO of 1.2V, Figure 5a, terminate the output
with 50Ω-to-1.2V, DC coupled, not 100Ω differentially
across the outputs.
If AC-coupling is used, Figure 5d, terminate into 50Ω-
to-1.2V before the coupling capacitor and then
connect to a high value resistor to a reference
Do not AC couple with internally terminated receiver.
For example, 50Ω ANY-IN input. AC-coupling will
offset the output voltage by 200mV and this offset
voltage will be too low for proper driver operation. Any
unused output pair needs to be terminated when
VCCO is 1.2V, do not leave floating.
CML Output Termination with VCCO 1.8V
For VCCO of 1.8V, Figure 5a and Figure 5b,
terminate with either 50Ω-to-1.8V or 100Ω
differentially across the outputs. AC- or DC-coupling
is fine.
Input AC Coupling
The SY54023AR input can accept AC-coupling from
any driver. Bypass VT with a 0.1µF low ESR capacitor
to VCC as shown in Figures 4c and 4d. VT has an
internal high impedance resistor divider as shown in
Figure 2a, to provide a bias voltage for AC-coupling.
Timing Diagrams
June 2008
Figure 1a. Propagation Delay
hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690