Non-isolated Buck Offline LED Driver
off threshold is reduced to 200mV. So the system
power consumption is very low. At some
catastrophic fault condition, such as CS resistor
shorted or inductor saturated, the internal fast fault
detection circuit will be triggered, the system stops
switching immediately.
After the system enters into fault condition, the VCC
voltage will decrease until it reaches the UVLO
threshold, then the system will re-start again. If the
fault condition is removed, the system will recover to
normal operation.
the bus capacitor loop.
NC pin
The NC pin should be connected to GND (pin1).
Drain Pin
To increase the copper area of DRAIN pin for better
thermal dissipation. However too large copper area
may compromise EMI performance.
Thermal Regulation
The BP2833D integrates thermal regulation function.
When the system is over temperature, the output
current is gradually reduced; the output power and
thermal dissipation are also reduced. The system
temperature is regulated and the system reliability is
improved. The thermal regulation temperature is set
to 150℃ internally.
PCB Layout
The following rules should be followed in BP2833D
PCB layout:
Bypass Capacitor
The bypass capacitor on VCC pin should be as close
as possible to the VCC Pin and GND pin.
The ROVP resistor should be as close as possible to
the ROVP Pin.
Ground Path
The power ground path for current sense should be
short, and the power ground path should be separated
from small signal ground path before connecting to
the negative node of the bulk capacitor.
The Area of Power Loop
The area of main current loop should be as small as
possible to reduce EMI radiation, such as the
inductor, the power MOSFET, the output diode and
BP2833D_EN _DS_Rev.1.0
BPS Confidential – Customer Use Only