1.1. Definition of Test Conditions
Production Test Conditions:
TA = +25 °C.
VDD = +3.3 VDC.
External reference signal (XOUT) = 1.0 VPP at 30 MHz, centered around 0.8 VDC.
Production test schematic (unless noted otherwise).
All RX input levels are referred to the input of a tuned balun connected to the RX input pins of the Si4362.
Qualification Test Conditions:
TA = –40 to +85 °C (Typical TA = 25 °C).
VDD = +1.8 to +3.6 VDC (Typical VDD = 3.3 VDC).
Using RX reference design or production test schematic.
All RF input and output levels referred to the pins of the Si4362 (not the RF module).
Rev 0.4